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Everything posted by MarcusDiGiovanni

  1. Nope not fairy Lake, I've tried there but I haven't caught anything.
  2. Hey just wanted to share smthing with everyone. For all of you who like to fish bass or carp or even the ocassional catfish, I just thought i'd let you know about this little pond I found 2 minutes from my house. It's litteraly 2 minutes walking from my house and I'm catching some nice sized largeys. We've pulled a couple of carp anddd catfish out of there too. I think it's great to have somewhere to practice my techniques. Personally I'm more into steelhead and trout but fish are fish and they're fun to catch!
  3. Hello everyone. I went online earlier this evening and I have come to realize that there arent any rivers in the york area that have fishing for trout or steelhead. We have the Holland river but the water is merky and not likley to hold many fish. Hopefuly i'm wrong and there are some trout fisheries in this area. Any thoughts? thanks, Marcus
  4. Truer words were never spoken! Thanx
  5. So, Dundas and Missisauga road isn't a good place? :S
  6. Sorry about that. Let me start over. My names Marcus and I'm new to fishing the credit river or any rivers for that matter. I wanted to get into some steelhead and ive heard that Erindale Park is a good place to go to hook into some fish. If anyone has any tips, or locations that would be great. All information is welcome. thanx, Marcus
  7. Does anyone know any locations at Erindale Park where I can fly fish for steelhead or salmon. Directions would be much apreciated
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