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Everything posted by MarcusDiGiovanni

  1. That makes me wanna go fishing O So Badly!!!
  2. Duffins Creek perhaps...
  3. Fish T.V shot a Bass episode over in B.C, so It must be fairly good.
  4. I'm quite happy wiht my decision now, I cant wait to get out there and fish!!!! :D:D
  5. Oh I will no question!
  6. The problem is they played like crap the rest of the game.
  7. Thanks for the links
  8. Sorry about that, but i'm sure there are Bass there, In B.C theres bass and in saskatchewan theres bass, It really doesent make sense for there not too be bass there, keep asking around, try yahoo answers u might get some answers there, granted u have a yahoo e-mail anyways srry for the mis information,9if thats a word), CUL8ER, Marcus
  9. HAHA, sure am!
  10. Well put.
  11. http://www.canada4fishing.com/Alberta/index.html there u go
  12. Not too sure about Alberta, but I know B.C has a good bass Fishery, maybe this will help you...http://www.canada4fishing.com/Alberta/index.html
  13. Orvis Wonderline Generation 3 fly Line and the rods a 7wt
  14. , really ok good, cuz I had some concerns but it feels good too know someone who knows what there talking about likes the rod
  15. Okay so I FINALLY got all of my fly gear I got a load of cash and gift cards from my parents to wilsons and Bass Pro Shops , so that I could go and pick out my own gear and ask the "experts" what I need, so I did and this is what I got... Oh BTW the White River Fly SHop guys really push Their own brand, there was a Frontier fly rod for a lil bit cheaper than the white river one and they insisted that I buy white river and... I did , Frontier is made by G-Loomis Soo we got Orvis Battenkill LA IV Reel from wilsons Wonderline Generation 3 fly Line from Wilsons WRFS Classic Travel Fly Rod obviously from BPS , I also picked up a few flies, I wouldnt have done this seeing as how I still have $170.00 from christmas that I now want to spend at a fly shop in London that provides free shipping on purchases over $60.00 so the extra cash would have been nice... heres the pics!!! sorry I accadently hit enter and didnt have all the pics on ,so hear they are enjoy!
  16. that hits the nail right on the head.
  17. I suppose you could Jig some GULP alive?
  18. May as well join the club... that auda do it, nice job bro!
  19. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO, I jsut died a littl eon the inside wow that just blew my mind.
  20. He guides Fly Fishing, And the Company is called Hush Fly Fishing. SHould have mentioned this at the begining !
  21. Happy New Year Everyone!!!! I wish everyone all the best in 09! So to the topic, I've met This guy Ryan Sansoucy online. He's a great guy and is trying to do a lot for our sport. He hates snotty stuck up anglers who don't help people trying to become involved in the sport. We've been chatting online and talked about various subjects. He then tells me he started a fly fishing companyin 2001 , they have a line of about 8 rods I think and they look to be some quality rods. He also uns a guiding buisness in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Ninigret, Charlestown, and many other areas. Really what i'm trying to get at is if your ever looking for a guided trip look him up, and if your looking for new gear give Hush a try, I would have but I dont have a credit card and pay everthing in cash . Hers a link to his website, its being revamped at the moment but it's still running, so sit tight till they add more features . Check it out hes even got one spin casting rod. website> http://www.hushfishing.com/index.htm heres his youtube proflie> http://www.youtube.com/user/captfishshady Prvidence Journal Interview> http://www.projo.com/sports/tommeade/sp_ou...Q1.35ef29e.html Thanks for reading, Marcus
  22. Stop the madness, I think my head might explode with all that old music!!!!!!!
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