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Everything posted by MarcusDiGiovanni

  1. Thnx dave, ill definatly look into that.
  2. how bout come summer? well may, what would be my best bet then?. Lurkers may be here so P.M would be better????
  3. If your looking for a small dog with NO shedding whatsoever, look at miniature schnauzers. They have great tempraments. there hypoallergenic or somthing like that (i cant spell). this means they dont shed. Look into crate training, thats how we trained our dog, and she hasen't messed on the floor since she was a puppy.theres some great stuff on google and youtube. Good luck!, marcus
  4. HOWDY! hehe, i've done like 3 posts in the past like hour. lol, so I've noticed that by fishing at harbours or peersor antthing like that, i could get myselfinto some good pike, bass, drum etc etc. I've heard of frenchmans bay to be a good place to fish butdoes anyone know of or "want to share" any spots with me around Toronto that could get me into these fish? read a post on the toronto harbour,but when i typeit in on google theres like a katrillion different options, so please help me . Im so dumb, dont make fun ofme for my dumb questions OH BTW, who went to the Sportsmans Show? pretty sick eh?!
  5. hahahaha, , lesson learned
  6. I dont know how to check the regs :S
  7. When can we start fishing for bass? the tittle speaks for itself.
  8. I've been making some deer hair popper flies...You know the ones with the spun deer hair heads.I'm curious to know if these will bring in large numbers of bass forme? and how should I be fishing them? thank you! Macrus
  9. Boy am I glad I found this, I've been looking everywhere for some patterns too tie.
  10. hahahaha, thanks for the insight, I guess there looking out for me
  11. yea lol
  12. Just an update..uh My parents got a little cheezed if you will that I was posting on this forum so I was forced to remove al my Information...for some reason when I created my profile I was dumb enough to post all my information they said it would have been fine if i had a name that was false like Kingfisher or somthing insted of my actual name, so as you can see I made a huge mistake so My former name was my full name, now I am just RACMUSD, all my info is removed and all my pics are gonna have my face blurred out. Ill still be posting as long as I can but you never know they might want me off here for good Thaks for reading, RACMUSD probably not the smartest putting my 1st name but w/e.
  13. Pfew, okay good, i didnt miss much
  14. lol, didnt even go...IM really cheezed, like i died a little on the inside
  15. hahaha lol, thats a ways away...I hope
  16. THANK YOU!, is it a productive spot?
  17. thats where im talking bout ... the boat launch at dumbfires and princess street
  18. My friends name is Matthew Saivea, ehs a centre pin guy and says he gonna bottom bounce, i figure if im down there I may as well wet a line... right?
  19. Lol, i wish i could, im there for a hockey tourney so its now or never
  20. Lol, I forgot too mention that I only have 9 flies Popsicle 2 egg sucking leeches purple/black caddis larve autmn wooly bugger crystal beadhead bugger (green) duddles steelehad stone Great lakes nymph carp Creek
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