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Everything posted by MarcusDiGiovanni

  1. I've creayed A monster!!!
  2. LOL, well... damnit, no comeback...
  3. That just made my life!!!!
  4. Is it safe, I thought that everything melted?
  5. I saw the Dave Mercer OFC profile, is it actually him?, He's like a fishing ICON so I find it slightly peculiar he'd be hanging around a forum? P.S If it is you, and your reading this, Love yur show!!!
  6. Try The Toronto Islnads, theres some pike and bass there, take a look at this website, good stuffs http://www.fishingfury.com/categories/plac...oronto-islands/ good luck
  7. Do you have a job, Believe me I've tried yet knowone will hire me, and I don't even look 14, but w/e let bye gons be Bye gons
  8. Id add some more top waters to that arsenal, perhaps a skitter walk or two?, Or that XRap Walk, We all Know Top Water strikes are the most exciting
  10. LOL, Superb choice in music, Gotta say it musta taken a lot of man power (or Woman Power) to get that done
  11. Lol, Not fishing, Just bread, gotta love the tittle
  12. Maybe It's cuz I'm only 14 and they didn't think That I was inclined to spend as much money as an adult?
  13. LOL, If there hiring 12 and 13 year olds maybe they'll give me a job
  14. I was recently at my cousins house in vaughn before christmas. She lives walking distance from the vaughn mills, and walk we did. We went to vaughn mills and I spent 3/4 of my time at BPS (and most of my other time at dip'n Dots ). I don't know if maybe I just got a bad sales person or if there all like this,but who knows. I was inquiring about some hunting gear for my grandfather, the gentlemen asked what I was generally interested in buying and what my budget was, I told him that i'm posativly clueless when it comes to hunting and I only have 30$ to spend ( this due to me not having a job). He said that theres not much he could do for me if I didnt know what I wanted so he sent me over to someone else, across the other end of the hunting section, Upon ariving there, the person I was directed to was just about to leave for there break and insisted that a wait around for the next person to return, 1o min later a man arrives and I tell him my situation, he directs me back to the origional person I talked to, This whole ordeal took me aproximatly 25 min, and I walked away with a gidt card . Really what i'm trying to get at is has anyone else had an event like this occour to them or was it just a one off thing, It'd be great to hear about everyone else's good and bad BPS experiances. I don't wanna bash e'm to much cuz my friends dad is the manager . anyways thats my schpiel for now tight lines, Marcus
  15. kithchener/waterloo perhaps, thats where balsille, wanted to take pitsburgh! Imagine Crosby and Malkin In S.O
  16. Unfortunatly YES!
  17. I don't get it why would someone start in the first place, the whole concept is disgusting, putting smoke into your body :S why sucking on a stick wasting your money, I really don't see the appeal
  18. Just got an Ice fishin rod for christmas from my aunt, can't wait to get out next week with my uncle, should be great fun!
  19. I personaly find it to be quite tacky, but too each his own.
  20. THAT SUCKS!, well hopefully the jello will pan out lol, and they'll get rid of the lakers.
  21. They've got some fast young guys, I like the way Grabovsky plays, as a matter of fact he's my friends cousin!!!. Yup pens have a solid team along with the habs, should make for a great match up.
  22. Whats so bad about lake trout?, I know there not native there, what are they like eating the cuttys?,
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