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Posts posted by Governator

  1. Here's a link to zone 17 regulation: http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR_E001336.pdf


    There is an exception for Scugog River in Lindsay:


    Scugog River (Lindsay) - Ops Twp.,from Trent-Severn Dam to Ops-Fenelon boundary. Fish sanctuary - no fishing from 4th Sat. in Apr. - Fri. after 2nd Sat. in May.


    I'm going to guess your out of luck till May 9th but someone might be able to clarify, I don't know the area.

  2. I know nothing about antiques... but father in law picked up this at a yard sale and now it's in my garage (Sorry for crappy quality, used phone).


    I couldn't tell ya anything about it, you guys would probably know more.







  3. Awesome job man...


    I need some help figuring out what to do for my dad. It's his 60th bday on the 25th. He fell off the roof in November and broke his back. He's been in a body brace ever since. Poor guy hasn't been able to twist, bend down, etc. for 6 months and might have rods in his back by June.


    I have absolutely no idea what to do for his bday.

  4. One of the closer places we keep going back to is the Pinery. If you can get into any sites in the "Dunes" camping area you'll be very fortunate. It books up really fast. Maybe a midweek stay would be available still. After staying at the Dunes, I'd never want to stay anywhere else there. The fishing is decent for panfish,cats and the odd bass in the canal. The swimming and beaches are awesome. My kids love it there almost as much as Sandbanks. If you're kids are swimmers you can't go wrong.



    Agreed, went there as a kid with my best friend & his parents. Caught our first pike there and had a blast camping. THe dunes were so much fun for us kids.

  5. ok, time to bring this back to life... ;)

    Os and I are going to hook up for some perch and or crappie but neither of us know the zone 16 area all that well to the North. The ice is out on the lakes I mentioned (well Musselman should be softwater now with all this rain) but there is no place to park there. Any hint's via this post or PM's would be great as I feel the skunk sripe on my back is getting worse! Not looking for any honey holes just a spot he and I can go and each get a fish or 2, thanks all!!!!!




    Sent a PM

  6. I don't know anyone who catches in Wilcox but it's probably your best best.


    Preston Lake is restricted to only residents of the community (With no motor ban in place). Musselman Lake is mostly private property so you'd be limited from shore but there is public access, off of aurora rd I believe you'll have to look it up (They also have a no motor policy).

  7. My sister gets extremely bad migrains and she has a trigger for it. It's actually cheese. She can't eat a grain of cheese, or even traces of it in anything (and I mean anything). She has to read every ingredient on every item she buys, the smallest amount will set it off and she's gone through a million tests. It ususally affects her the day after she's ate it and by bad I man she often loses her sight, she pukes and she's usually lying on her couch for 24hrs+.


    She has blood pressure pills and everything in between but when we were kids we had a tobogganing accident, we hit a tree going down the hill and my sister was on the front. She hit her head, cracked her jaw, broke bones, etc. etc. It was the worst incident of my life to be in but it was since then that she's had the headaches.


    I don't really have much to add, but narrowing it down to what triggers the headaches is extremely important and often hard to diagnos because it's usually not a food allergy.

  8. Thanks everyone, lots of help.



    I think you should try coles point just north of campbellford. It is a good party and it is off of lake seymore. You are close to bradleys bay as well as healys falls. I go there atleast once a year.(usually bass season) The pike fishing around there is great because they over stocked it with pike years ago by accident.





    Thanks Jakey, it looks pretty good. Their website looks like it's for cottage rentals, do they have a campground?

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