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Posts posted by Governator

  1. BUMP!!!!


    I'm heading to Owen Sound this weekend. Anyone know of any shore fishing possibilities around this time? Even in to Georgian Bay from shore? There are several small beaches in the area and 1 dock that I know of.




  2. Pencil Poppers are not exclusive to Detroit, a lot of Striper fishermen use them down here for our landlocked Stripers.


    They'r a top water lure and will catch many different kinds of fish like Bass, Pike, Musky, Stripers... and Saltwater fish too, like Redfish, Mahi Mahi, schooling Mackeral...


    I've seen Pencil Poppers up to 12 inches.



    Thanks, although I think they are calling this lure a pencil plug, not a popper and not meant for top water fishing. There is a difference the way the mouth is shaped apparently.

  3. Hey guys,


    Yea it is cupped in the front a bit. I casted it out and it floated on the surface. I then twitched it back to the boat with short jerks downwards. It would dart under water just a little bit with that motion and on the pause float back up slowly. It didn't suspend. With the right motion I think it would pop across the surface. Here are more pics of it:





  4. Wow very cool, it's definitely a pencil popper (I've never seen that type of design before). That at least helps try to narrow it down.


    I'd be very impressed Miller if you were able to replicate it! I'm going to try to narrow this down more now that I got some more info. Thank you guys!

  5. Back when I was growing up, my great uncle past away and I inherited his fishing lures. That would've been around 1990. He lived in North Bay and fished everyday and his old collection helped kickstart my tackle box.


    Anyway, I had one of his old wooden lures in my box on the weekend and decided to toss it out for fun. Wouldn't you know my 2nd cast with it and I landed a pike. I retired the lure so I didn't lose it but I wanted to know what the heck it is?? There are no markings or writing at all on it so I haven't been able to find it online.


    Here it is, it's light, maybe 4 1/2" long and floats. Any idea?









  6. Agreed it would have been nice to groom Nieuendyk....

    But the scouting staff has since been mostly revamped since Burke took over. It's the best front office staff and scouting department the Leafs have had in ages.

    Isn't Burke Canadian?


    You're a Don Cherry disciple aren't you? :lol:



    Burke and Wilson are both American, although Burke does have dual citizenship. Regardless he's a good GM and I agree he has the best management the leafs have seen in years.

  7. I personally don't feel anyone should be forced to use their real name. I run a forum with a very large database of users, one member inperticular used his first name on the board and let it publically known who he works for. He had 15,000 posts. Yes 15,000 posts, one of our top vetern members. Needless to say he posted inappropriate material from time to time and was reported and fired from his job froma client. The client was googling the company and came across his account.


    I don't like people hiding behind a keyboard either, but this is the internet and being anonymous definitely has its pros.

  8. They will probably draft brother Schenn and then a bunch of kids that will never make it out of the AHL. Burke's a moron, not a hockey genius. He probably will go after the Sedin twins and possibly Pronger. Neither will help them make the playoffs. Leaf fans will be calling for his head by the end of the year.



    I completely disagree. While I think others are better fitted for the organization (ex. Scotty Bowman), Burke is a solid guy to have making decisions for the leafs right now. He's been given some leeway and has more power than most GM's have had in recent years. On top of that he has some very good relationships throughout the league (albeit a few) that will help with moving players. I think he's one of the few guys who has the credentials and knowledge to run the leafs and his plans will need many years to unfold I think. Rebuilding takes longer than couple of years when you're starting from the bottom up. I for one would definitely like to see him around a few years.

  9. Don't bring in the sedin twins.... please don't. Your stuck with the package and a whole lot of money tied up. They've been requesting a 12 year deal with the canucks worth over $60 mil each. They aren't going to sign a 3 year deal, they want insurance like others have been doing lately which brings nothing but bad news years down the road.

  10. I just started fishing last year and little lake has been a regular visit. I haven't caught a lot bigger than 18-24". I've only been once this year and caught 8-10 that trip. This was the biggest I landed and I'd consider it a good size pike from little lake. Oh and yes I also learned to buy a rainsuit that day lol



  11. I've never fished for carp, but once I learned how to properly set my drag I lost a lot less fish. I always set mine to 30% of the lb of the line. So if my line is 20lb my drag would release at 6. I just tie my analog scale to the line and have my partner pull until we get the line releasing at the right number (I'm sure there are much easier methods lol). I also don't like to adjust mine on the water once it's set.

  12. I have strong feelings about this.


    We sang the national anthem in elementary school from grade 1-6 and then we went to Junior High for 7-8 and my friend and I immediately started singing along with the morning anthem and we both got a DETENTION!! Yes, we got a DETENTION for singing the anthem. The teacher claimed we were making fun of our national anthem, when in fact we were taught to sing it for 6 years up to that point. Nice way to start a new school on Day 1. Complete Bull and from that point on ward I obviously never sang it again.

  13. You obviously love your dad and he sounds like a great father. I hope you thought about something from the heart for Father's day tomorrow, he deserves it. A year from now will be my first Father's Day and I can't wait! First year I've ever wished for a fast summer (Bring on Sept).

  14. I think the site could really benefit with an off topic forum. Also, sorry but I don't agree in forcing kids from high school who graduate in to armed forces. It takes away you're free right to choose which is what makes this country so great.

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