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Posts posted by Governator

  1. I guarantee they have far less impact on the environment than 99.9% of the people on this board. If anything they should be coming after us for all the useless waste and pollution that we generate which has far more effect on fish populations. Just let these people be...



    I totally agree, they are lighter on the environment than anyone. Let them do their thing.

  2. It was live on CP24 (Still is actually).


    They tranquilized the bear in the tree, it slowly started coming down the tree and then fell about 20-30' in to a tarp that firefighters were holding. It then wondered off and passed out in the yard.


    I felt bad for the bear, but it was fun to watch and he wasn't hurt. Looks like MNR did a great job.

  3. 320_cp24_bear2.jpg



    Not sure if you guys saw, but on the news this morning a black bear made it to downtown Aurora and is now up in a tree.


    It's in my grandaprents old backyard, they moved a few months ago. Infact, my old apartment was right next to this yard and I grew up playing in it as I lived 1 block from them as a child.


    I just found it kind of exciting. How it made it's way to downtown Aurora, I have no idea. There is a small conservation forest about 10min walk away called Shepherds Bush, I have a feeling it was in there.

  4. Nice machine.


    How long does he have to leave the "ORILLIA PERCH FESTIVAL GRAND PRIZE AWARD" lettering on there? Just curious if there's an agreement on that and how they would enforce such a thing.


    ...sure is a beauty though...



    If I won that boat I would care less, infact I'd be happy to promote them for life.

  5. Not to be an ass, but Rogers Home Phone is indeed VOIP. Rogers Home Phone is facilitated VOIP opposed to Vonage which is non facilitated VOIP.


    Chalk it up to Rogers using fancy marketing terms, trying to not confuse the unknowing public :)



    Well regardless it's vastly different in quality compared to previous experience when I lived in Aurora with standard VOIP. It still goes through the cable but man it's 10x better in quality.

  6. Yea Roger's home phone is very good because it's not actually VOIP. VOIP sends the signal through the public internet, Roger's Home Phone uses a private network, so downloading doesn't add static to the line. The downside to it is that if your modem does go down your phone services do too with Rogers Home Phone.


    I don't think I would ever fully switch to VOIP, Roger's Home Phone is as close as I'd go.

  7. Best of luck, I hope everything goes well. Back's are nothing to mess with and if a doctor suggests it I think he means it's absolutely necessary, so please do what he says and don't skip on the meds.


    My dad fell off the roof clearing off snow back in November, he broke his back. He's been in a custom body brace since then and still in it today. He hasn't been able to bend over, twist or anything for 6-7 months and they said judging by the x-rays they couldn't believe he wasn't paraplegic. They wanted to avoid back surgery at all costs and this method has been working but at a snail pace. I think he's going to be in the casting for another couple months yet and it's been absolutely devastating on my family. He's now on long term disability and his work is taking away his business car, laptop, etc. tomorrow (friday). He's been with the company for 36 years so it's been pretty tough on my old man.


    On top of that, 2 months before this happened he just got back to work after being off for 6 months with shoulder surgery from playing baseball all his life. "Back to back jacks" and it has turned his life upside down.

  8. I've been following this all morning and can't stop thinking about that girl and their family. I don't know how there can be people like that in our world.


    I wish we could just pin the guilty to a wall and throw darts at them.


    Press conference is at 3pm. Sad day.

  9. To sum up the weekend...My friends all caught bigger fish than me, but I caught the most and I hooked and landed the biggest dog! We had fun and it was great to see my fishing friends again...all-in-all it was a great Opener in spite of the weather.





    Congrats on the great opener! Any pics? Hope the dog was OK.

  10. While I see the point in trying to keep it fair for everyone I just can't see the comparison of 12' tin boat to a 35'+ RV. They should have some size restrictions in place to keep people happy. Infact a Ford F150 is bigger than most boats, at least in view obstruction. My next door neighbour has 3 SUVs parked in his driveway, it's practically a wall of metal next to me. If he had 1 SUV and a 12' tin boat, I could at least see down the street but of course there's no law with how many SUVs you can have....

  11. I use to just tie the improved clinch knot as that's what my dad taught me as a kid. Skip ahead 15 years when I started fishing again and while browsing online I fell in love with the Palomar knot. It's the strongest I've used and by far the fastest to tie even blindfolded. I've been using braided line now and use the double uni for braid to flourocarbon or tying to mono backing.

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