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Posts posted by Governator

  1. Been wearing my Team Canada shirt all day, can't wait!



    [begin Rant]


    Also, Eh' O' Canada Go is a terrible terrible cheer! Two reasons:


    1) It sounds stupid. Eh' is to end a sentence not begin and I wouldn't be caught ever saying it in public.

    2) Realize Pepsi isn't even an Olympic Sponsor they are just trying to cash in on everyone here.


    [End Rant]

  2. Yea they released a press release about that a few days ago (At least that's when I read it). They claim it's because of the amount of garbage left behind from ice fishing the costs are too great for them to carry and the public has to pay for it. There are other places in the area you can go for free mind you.

  3. If a landlord allows dogs in an apartment building, he obviously doesn't give a crap about his tenants nor his property.


    Have you talked to other residents of the building? Your best bet to get something changed is to have other tenants complain to the landlord with you. He won't like to deal with multiple complaints at once and will more than likely follow up on it.

  4. The thing is, they ARE sold out. It's people simply deciding not to go, busy holiday times for crap games against latvia, swiss, etc. can do that. If the opening game was against the US every game after probably would be packed imo. For the tourny opener, any CHL team would provide a more entertaining match up against Team Canada than Latvia.


    If the IIHF wants to keep these low ball teams in a world class tournament, they should at least throw in a 10 goal mercy rule to save some embarassment.

  5. well after 2 visits to the vet yesterday for a total of 3.5 hours, it was decided the best thing to do was remove the eye to try and figure out what the actual problem is as the vets are not sure do to the rapid rate of blindness, they measured her eye on monday with some doomahicky in which she measured a -29, with -25 considered to be high and complete blindness with a few days, the drops were hopefully supposed to help the pressure then lowering the number and try to save some vision, yesterday morning she was at -49 and hen ur that high complete blindness is within hours.


    so since the eye was already considered dead, or choice was to get an mri in toronto right away (emergency) or remove the eye and analyze it to see if they can figure it out that way, regardless of the results the dead eye had to come out, if it's a cancer/tumour theyl'll be able to tell as soon as they remove the eye, if not they will have to send it out to get analyzed, it may also still just be glaucoma which there are 2 types, if it's the worse one her other eye will go blind within 2 years, the experts in toronto think it is lens luxation which right now i cant really remember what happens with that, i was so bombarded with info yesterday between my vet and a conference call with 2 other vets form down south my head is spinning, my vet has never seen this happen although the "experts" have


    so she is under as i write getting her eye removed, hopefully all goes well, she may have to spend the night there, ($$$$$) todays procedure is already putting me back $1600, let alone the other 3 visits this week, they are just going to sew the eye shut as the procedure for a prosthetic is in the $3000 dollar range im told, which i simply cant afford


    been a long week for us and someone who is definately not a pet but a family member



    Wow I'm very sorry to hear. I'm more than aware of dog problems and I know the hard times and decisions that have to come with it. I've spent more money than I'd like to mention on my dog and have come close to saying I simply can't afford it.


    I hope everything goes well today and just brace yourself for what's to come. The procedure will hopefully give relief to her and after a few days she'll become completely comfortable with her new self.


    Dog's are part of the family, we all know that. Take care!

  6. I had a dog that had diabetes and went blind (both eyes). We gave her 2 insulin shots everyday and eye drops for the first while. We thought we had to put her down by the 3rd day after she went blind because she was walking in to everything and looked miserable. The next day she woke up and ran laps around the house (as long as you didn't move a chair).


    She lived super happy for 2 years that way. Hang in there, as long as he's happy that's all that matters.

  7. For any of the guys buying HDTV's this winter, please make sure you checkout monoprice.com for ANY of your cabling needs.


    Futureshop, Best Buy and the rest of the big box stores make a killing out of over priced, over hyped HDMI cables. When it comes down to it, it's all about the 1's and 0's... now if you can tell me how one cable does this better then another one I am ALL ears!


    Shipping to Canada is cheap and super fast.. I've been using them for years...








    You're right though, spending $50+ on an HDMI cable is a joke. You can get them for $5 all over the web, it's just to send a digital signal.

  8. Please explain this HST thing to me since I don't live there any more.

    They are combining the GST and PST and putting it on everything now?

    Where are they doing this? Across the country?

    I guess it only effects those provinces that have a sales tax to begin with right?

    There is no talk of it up here in the NWT, I guess because we don't have a sales tax only GST. :unsure:

    I guess provinces like Alberta that also don't have a sales tax don't need to worry either huh?



    Ontario and BC are changing the sales tax system to just 1 tax Harmonized Tax combining GST & PST. The maritimes I believe have already done this years ago and most other countries have done it as well. However, all of your general services here such as contractors, painters, carpet installers, lawncare, snow removal, etc. will be forced to charge PST in addition to the GST starting July 1st. Currently PST is only charged when selling products and now will be tacked on to all services.

  9. This is going to hurt my business!!! I hate it with a passion. I've run a web development business for 6 years and we are expanding in January. Tacking on an additional 8% for our type of service can only hurt us. Often clients are working with strict budgets in our industry which means we may have to reduce our own price by 8% at times to fit within their overall budget.


    The small guys, contractors, service men, etc. are going to hurt from this big time if they haven't enough from the poor economy.

  10. I got a Sharp Aquos 46" 1080p in Oct of 2007. It's hooked up to Rogers HD dual PVR and I've yet to be more impressed with regards to picture quality from any friends setup. Of course blueray in true 1080p trumps anything but it's still impressive.


    Keep in mind distance from the TV is also important with regards to size of your television. If you're sitting 6-7ft from a 50" set watching a standard definition station it simply isn't going to look great at all and the fact is a ton of channels you probably watch are not available in HD and if they are might cost you a good few bucks to purchase them.

  11. I think the funniest thing of the past week in Hockey was the poll that "found 33% consider the Montreal Canadiens to be the country's national hockey team"


    Sports media outlets (aka TSN) blew it up like it's a pure fact because of their 100th anniversary yet they failed to mention that a whopping 1000 canadians were surveyed lol.

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