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Everything posted by gogu392

  1. Nice pigs. Erie is faumous for SM. Can you share with us your tehnique? Line, lure type? Congrats again.
  2. Microtubes with above mentioned jigs.
  3. Good video. The only element missing is pobably the scent.
  4. Before to buy, check this out. See the reviews and videos. http://www.wavewalk.com/
  5. Hi There, Is Carp a crapie or not? There are no specification for Carp. Regards.
  6. See the topic in: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...177&hl=CUBA See stevebowrotham comment. Based on my trip to Cuba that has the most sense, out of all coments.
  7. PiranhaMAX Portable 230 - $200 see: http://store.humminbird.com/humminbird-pro...od406880-1.html
  8. Check this link: http://www.cedarridgelodge.ca/fishing.html See aurora trout season for this lake at the botom of the website. Call and ask for details.
  9. One of the best documentary. Truth is painful. No, we are not screwed. We are just slaves. The slavery was never abolished. Just replace with another system. Thight lines.
  10. Nope, from a rented old 10 " aluminium boat. That fish put a nice fight. I had all the line 100m in the water when I got him. I was lucky to have a good line (braid 15LB) but the hook almost give me up. Was twisted and bended. I did not expect to hook such fish. Actualy is my first ever walleye. As I said no fish finder.
  11. Talking about big walleye the below one is my catch in Bay Of Quinte on 12 May 2008. 4+ Kg - 9lb. I think is impresive mainly because I don't own a boat, not even a kayak, neither fancy fishing tools (fish finder, electric motor a.s.o.) Will take me sone years to get those but I will catch up some day.
  12. Nice fish. What is the camp name?
  13. The walleye is a light-avoiding fish, caught most often under low light conditions. Fishing is generally best on cloudy or overcast days, or on days when waves keep light from penetrating too deeply into the water. Low-light feeders, walleye aggressively feed in the shallows at dusk, dawn and at night; however, they can still be caught in the day.
  14. A+++ Report A+++ Picture A+++ Story For me looks like SoloPadler travel to Heaven and came back.
  15. Too bad that we don't have the story. The fight probably was fantastic with the beast.
  16. Impresive trophy. Any details about: rod, line, lure, tehnique?
  17. Any specific oil and grease brand? Where did you buy those? Thanks for the answers.
  18. Is any one using oil for the reels over the winter? Is good to oil the reel for a long life of the reel? If yes, please drop some details.
  19. Thank you all for your answers. Tight lines.
  20. What bait did you use for crappie? Thx.
  21. Why only crappie may be kept? Was this lake overfish in the past?
  22. Hi There Folks, Any info about Binbrook Conservation Area? What kind of fish is there? I have read the website but I prefer a real past experince from there. Location of lake: http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&ie=UT...362549&z=12 Regards.
  23. "Nothing new under the sun". The guys with a lot of money wants to make more. Shame - Shame - Shame.
  24. As I remenber, live bait (any kind) is not alowed at Mountsberg. And no gas motor on boat, only electric. Anyway the lake have a lot of weed, therefore host mostly pike. Too bad that this nice lake is overfish by "animals" who left all sort of garbage behind. Every time when I am going there I have to take home some garbage which is not mine. For luching a boat or just parking the car is a $10 fee.
  25. Nice smalie. Good day on Belwood. Where did you fish, close to the dam or far away from dam? Tight lines.
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