1. Zach, how did they get your #?
2. Who are these people?
3. Where are they calling from.
4. I have had a tellemarketer calling my house daily for the last month. They call, and when I pick up the phone, I hear "click" and nobody is on the other end of the line. It's the same number every time. So there I am..... Falling asleep after my midnight shift and the phone rings long distance. It's my tellemarketer buddy. Now I'm pissed absolutly F%*%G FREAKING OUT . I lost it. I was in another world. I was in such rage thet I could have body slammed a grizzly bear. So I call the tellemarketer. Long story short; i'm on the
"Don't call list-an absolute trigger happy nut job lives at that adress and he scares the poop out of me list"