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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Well Bill then there are a lot of people seriously lacking in self control because the casinos are doing a thirving business as are the LCBOs. Sue and I enjoy going to the casino ocassionally, we make an outing of it.


    The sad thing is that so many people who have nothing left to loose end up there in desperation trying to win something, just think about it; have you ever bought a lottery ticket? Why?


    Our wonderful government plays on the gambling addiction just as they play on the alcholics addition or the smokers addiction. You do have a choice (unless you are addicted)!


    Our govt is no different than the con artist when it comes to gambling. They both offer the unlikely chance of a quick score and life on easy street. The only difference is that the con artist can get 7 years, but the govt bureaucrat will get a nice pension for bilking the public of its money.

  2. That depends. Our house, although not huge , is way more then we need since the kids moved out. Our cottage is under 700 square feet with no basement. We are seriously considering retiring to our little place. We love it. Easy to clean/maintain...cheaper too. Taxes alone are $2900 a year less then our home. It just needs a garage for some extra storage room. We wanna give it a try living there for one whole winter before we make a decision.


    You won't regret it Steve.

  3. Sadly, Lew, the law isn't so simple. Unless this person is convicted of telephone fraud, Bell can't do much without risking a lawsuit. The police need to go after the con artist.


    Even if Bell blocks him, he can just do what every other annoying telemarketer does, and pick up other phone numbers with other phone providers.

  4. You forgot about Tiny Talent Time on CHCH channel 11 Hamilton.



    Never heard of CHCH until we moved south to Toronto. At that time I was watching Hilarious House of Frightenstein on channel 11. "I swear by the sign of the 3 toed sloth,... to make Bbrrucie work once more"


    I forgot one other Sunday favourite at 4pm. Don Messers Jubilee. This was before CBC screwed up and put on that yodelling cowboy Tommy Hunter

  5. I grew up in the era. now a word from our sponsors. we have a reeaally big sheww tonite.. oh ya it was 4 channels and blk/white tv. remote was a place up north..rabbit ears belonged on a tv and tinfoil was a tuner... weve come a long way Dorothy.,,, now can I go back ....please.


    The Sunday afternoon TV schedule read as follows

    4:00 Lawrence Welk brought to you by Sominex

    5:00 Hymn Sing

    5:30 Mutual of Omahas Wild Kingdom

    6:00 Wonderful World of Disney with Uncle Walt

    7:00 RedSkelton

    8:00 Ed Sullivan

  6. In the real world there is no goose that laid the golden egg. That only exists in fairy tales and government jobs.


    I learned that you can trust no one. Lost one company pension when the company went bankrupt. Govt allows companies to borrow against the pension.

    Had a great RRSP until the I.T. stock collapse. The investment fund stopped paying out, and remains locked up until the RRSP has recovered from the losses.


    Biggest challenge to retirement is health care costs. There is a lot the government does not cover. If you have pre-existing medical conditions, most private health plans will decline you or bleed you. This I have learnt watching my wife spend 6 years going through the surgical revolving door.

  7. I had the catfish version for 5 years. Then someone came along one weekend, while we were away, and stole the thing. Would have taken them a good 20 minutes to unbolt the thing from the steel railings.

    I'd get another, except that they will soon be cancelling local mail delivery

  8. Hey Simon, around 1972, a rather obscure group, the RSDG, had a major hit on both sides of the pond. Not so uncommon in the British Isles but it caught everybody off guard on this side of the ocean.


    The album was "Farewell To The Greys"

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