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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Being 1/2 Finn and 1/2 Swede, the most obvious is fish and seafood of almost any description.

    I also had the benefit of learning to cook from one of the best, my Gramma. Gotta be good to cook for the Samuel or Labatt families back in the day. All her traditional recipes are mine. Right down to traditional breadmaking.


    International foods I love to cook and eat, but the Mrs likes her meat and taters. In Toronto, banquet cooking opens ones eyes to such a variety of cooking styles.


    From the Dutch there are lekkerbekes

    german sauerkraut and sausage

    Hungarian cabbage rolls or cauliflower soup

    Italian gnocchi in sugo or capoletti in brodo

    Thai peanut sauce

    Curries!!!! Goat comes to mind. Loved going to the Bamboo.

    Mexican/South California. I grow 6 varieties of hot pepper

    The list is endless

  2. Instrumental music was big in the 60's. Something far too complex for today's youth apparently???

    A Canadian great was "Walk Don't Run" by the Ventures. They would also record the hawaii 50 theme.

    Anybody remember Paul Marat's "Love Is Blue"

    How about "Telstar"

    Must not forget Duane Eddy.

  3. I still have the original album. There was some really unique and different stuff all thrown into the one album. last tune was called Sunflower.

    He also liked to dabble in other artistic medium, not unlike Andy Warhol, having produced a book of poetry and a "different" photography portfolio. I had a signed copy of the poetry book, years back, sold for a pretty penny.

    His daytime job was as a TV writer.

  4. Not any more. Seems the only magazines at the Dr's offices consist of health periodicals, fashion and gossip rags. Can't remember the last time i saw an outdoors mag or Popular Mechanics. Mind you the dentist is a hockey freak, so there is always 1 copy of Sports Illustrated.

    Tried to donate my old copies of OOD for reading in the hospital and was told the content was deemed "inappropriate"

  5. Which is why it's important to save for retirement if you plan on continuing to enjoy recreational activities like you did before retirement. The cost of everything will continue to rise and those who cannot afford those increased costs should find a way to earn additional income to continue to enjoy those hobbies rather than giving up their hobby all together.


    Living within your means applies to everyone, including seniors on pensions.



    So when is the province, and it's bureaucracy, going to start behaving responsibly, and live within its means.

  6. I don't think I would mind the Fees if the money was put to good use. I just know that when it comes to this province, that never happens.


    The original idea behind the provincial license was to fund a special conservation account. Our politicians, in their usual wisdom, saw this as a way to replace provincial budget funds and give to other political pet projects. What makes you think the surtax is any different.


    Truth be the government is trying to implement all sorts of new charges and fees. Lets face it, the Premier has promised a $20billion urban transit plan. That money is going to come out of our pockets, one way or another.

  7. We also got our water from the well up there!!!! A big cement well and we had to pump it out into a bucket for drinking or doing the dishes (after heating it on the stove or in the fireplace of course) :)


    Still remember the heat and cooking all coming from the big potbelly stove. Forgetting to warm the seat in the "honey hut" on a cold winter's night... Forget about the bathtub, we had Sauna.

    Didn't have hot and cold running water til the early 70's at Aunt Lily's. Not til the 80's at uncle George's

  8. you know what odd? now that I think about it, outta the thousands of times i sat with my gramps, he only told one brutal story. I wonder why? all the stories were mainly about commraderie, and food. man i miss those stories


    For all that they saw, they did not want to retell, and relive, the horrors that many experienced. Even in peacetime, Canadians die or are injured serving their country, and it is never pretty.

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