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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. In the past few months there have been a lot of threads with "hurt" in them. Can't help but make me think. Look around those close to you, your friends, buddies here on OFC,... How many faces won't be in the mental picture a few years from now.

    Wayne knows all too well what I mean. I am humbled by the determination, fortitude and endurance you and your family have shown through everything. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

    Just goes to show we have to cherish what time we have together. Forget the boneheaded dickering, pissing matches and arguments. At the end of the day they aren't worth it. We all have disagreements. So what. Leave it at that. Last memory i want of anyone I know, family or friend, is a bad one. Life is far too short to dwell on such crap.

    I just hope I get the opportunity to get together with a lot of you guys and gals that i have yet to meet before the clock runs down, and more time to fish with the buddies I do have here.


    Sorry for rambling.

  2. Metal roof all the way. I've built many a house and done many a roof. Shingles just don't hold up , and the warranties really aren't worth the paper they are written on.

    Subdivision roofs are built to be as cost effective as possible for the builder. In other words they meet code. many builders will allow you to upgrade if they have not already put up the roof. Up sell just adds to the profit margin. I've only put up a few metal roofs some 20 years back. They were properly plug screwed, critter baffles in place, powder coat, full sheet. They still look brand new. The one on my buddy's barn still keeps everything bone dry.


    Even if you pay 25-30% more than shingle pricing. Consider the other costs to reshingle that others have already mentioned. Then consider that you will spend that again in another 15 years or less if you stay put.

  3. Speaking of life's pleasures.


    Supper consists of slow simmered ribs and pineapple. Sides of garlic mash potato, buttercup squash casserole with a buttery graham crumble.


    Sorry for the lack of pics. Still on the loaner Mac. Too old to access a lot of programs, including photobucket.

  4. Yes, but the collapse of that old feudal (or maybe quasi-feudal) system gave rise to 2 world wars and made communism so appealing. That's what I meant by ending very badly!

    Things are more unbalanced now than they were 30 years ago---we are heading in the wrong direction towards the edge of a cliff.


    At which point another 1% new order will take over. That was what happened in Russia, and what happened in China. The "Party" merely replaced the aristocrats and blue bloods.

    History merely repeating itself, yet again.

  5. A sign of the times, unfortunately.


    There was a study done recently that established that 1% of the people have 1/2 the world's wealth. If things keep going like this it will end very very badly! "civil unrest' would be a gross understatement!!


    It's actually a far better ratio than in previous centuries. Up until 1600's Europe 1% of population controlled 60% , and the church 30%. That left 10% for 98% of the population.

    That mix never really changed until the rise of the middle class in the 1800's and modern industrialization in the 1900's.

    make no mistake, that 1% has always been calling the shots one way or another.

  6. It's a tightrope that far too many families have to walk. Do we deny a loved one desperate measures and experimental treatment? do we let them endure excessive suffering? Do we let them go peacefully? Which expert do we listen to? Where does our conscience come into play?


    There is no one answer to any of those questions. Seen enough death and dying over the decades and I since learnt that I have no right to sit in judgement over these heart rending decisions. And even hindsight is not 20/20. There is always room for doubt and second guessing, and any family facing such crises gets to face a great big pile of it.

  7. Holy geez spiel that looks awesome!!!

    I love my chilli as hot as I can make it, and as hearty as I can make it.

    that soup looks very interesting. I'd like to try that


    Squash and/or sweet potato soup are thick rich soups perfect for warming you on a winter's day. I've still got a couple dozen squash in the cooler. Time to turn some into a decadent sweet squash casserole with graham crumble crust,

  8. No different than home developers upselling a new home. $199,000 bare bones, but around $249,000 when you add those ever important upgrades.

    Cars are no different. I don't hear too many complaining about all the extras in their new rides.

  9. that's fantastic but you still have to calculate when you're at 80 %, there's no citiot light or gauge on there

    The relief valve does not always work. I just refilled my 20lb last month. Guess what? It got over filled. The attendant was not paying attention to the scale and was relying on the valve to do it's job. Was spitting liquid for a bit, but I've got it working fine now.

  10. Firing Randy worked wonders. I'll reserve further comment after the end of their season.First things first though. I'll wait to hear what all the hockey.........er, rather.... leaf experts have to say on how to fix this sordid, shameful mess and never ending colossal disaster. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:


    That's like asking OFC to come up with a fix for Target... Actually, that would be easier. LOL

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