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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Canadians like to talk change but won't foot the bill or the consequences. That is why we allow ourselves to be lied to every election.

    Every election promises are made, and after every election the same limp excuses of "priorities", " no money left in the budget", "poor economic times", "change of political climate",......

    Don't get me wrong. I'm no better. In fact I'm worse. I used to write the campaign dribble you were being fed during some elections. :blush::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

  2. What make of Pflueger???


    I've used a Pflueger Supreme and also a trion gx-7 and both were nice but still had issues

    It was the Maxx. All I know is that sand is death to most reels. The closest I ever came to having a "high end" reel was my 300A, and I have yet to find anything quite as durable, yet i have been pretty happy with some of the "low end" pieces I have.

  3. they are real good

    but they don't work on simcoe ice

    as everyone knows simcoe ice is different. it has something to do with the molecular bond of the ice particles and that they bond on a 45 deg angle instead of vertically like other lakes, some people believe it's a magnetic anomaly from iron in the water or copper deposits

    but with the angle Sub Zero uses on their auges it binds in simcoe ice rendering them useless







    Somebody's got too much time on his hands.

  4. It all started with cars and clothing. My grandpa had one good suit and one work suit. He removed the vest and jacket when he got home at night and put on a cardigan over the shirt and tie. Once the work suit wore out the good suit became everyday and a new one was purchased for Sundays. They were always grey. I was told that was why old houses didn't have huge closets - no clothes to fill them. Today my wife and I each have a huge closet full of clothes for dressup, work, play and laying around the house. It's crazy.


    And why do we need to change cars every 3 or 4 years?



    I remember that as a kid back when. 3 boys, one bedroom, one closet, one dresser.

    We had one set of Sunday bests. couple of sets of decent everyday clothes. Never hear of having 20 pairs of pants and shirts. Nobody had a mountain of hats. We had 1 steamer chest for storing all the summer and winter gear out of season. Kinda limits how much fishing gear you can store away.

  5. We call it "magpie syndrome" It is were the shine and the glitter catches your eye and you just pick it up. I have not bought a soft bait in I bet 3 years because I have so many that I have never opened hanging around.




    I don't usually buy much soft plastic. I'm still trying to use up the son's part packs of tournament plastics. He stopped tourny fishing 3 years back. The only things I need to buy each year are 2-3 packs of tubes.

  6. rofl2.gifrofl2.gif

    Tackle Tart......too funny.My Brother is one of these.He owns at least 20 rod combos, and easally 5K in tackle, not to mention designer wet suits and PFD's. Mind you, he has the bucks, but we were taught if you don't use it in 12 months, chuck it in the garbage.You know where i will be, garbage day, i year from todaywhistling.gif

    Had a co-worker like that. 20 different mail order catalogues in his desk. More tackle than he could ever use. Took him 20 minutes to load his gear in the boat. Took 5 casts with a bait; no fish, change lure. He was so busy retying after blowing through the first 6-7 pretied rigs. All the while i'm working what I've got, catching fish, and pissing him off.

    All the gear in the world will not make you a good angler.

  7. I try to limit myself in what I have gathered up, and I still have too much gear. Doesn't help none that every special day incorporates at least 5-6 new additions to the collection.

    Truth is there are 2 types of people the fishing industry looks at.1) Fisherman who just get out to fish for simple pleasure, Who wil not generate huge profits 2) the "tackle tart" who must have every latest gadget and gizmo on the market. They spend more time changing tackle on the water than actually fishing.

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