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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Yes, sometimes, you will put up reports and get few responses, but you will get a couple hundred views.

    Some people may or may not care for your reports or the style of fishing, or the target species. It comes with the territory. I share because I can. I just haven't had much worth starting a thread with lately.

    Other times we just aren't here to reply to a thread, haven't much to say, or someone has said it for us already. Some of us have been kinda pre-occupied with some real heavy crap lately and fishing just isn't on the mind. 11 pages of music bits was a great way to forget about some of that crap.


    This is not to put you down. I'd love to think of nothing but fishing all day. Unfortunately it just ain't possible.

    You do put up great reports and some neat stories. Be happy that you can.

  2. Well, I figured this topic may become controvercial and have some negative feedback. I can understand why many people feel that no matter what we do it will not make a difference. The government does not have the best track record at times.


    The bottom line is, we are a special interest group, and not a small one. I feel that we are a large enough special interest group that lobbying the government can make a difference. Other special interest groups lobby the government successfully all the time. Even a bunch of small improvements for anglers annually can be a victory for us. We shouldn't expect everything to be solved overnight and be all better with a few letters. We are not asking the government to do the impossible, just continue to make improvements for anglers and let them hear our voice.


    We live in a democratic society that allows free speech and lobbying our government. Why not utilize the tools we were given to try and help make our passion in life even better.


    What do we really have to loose? A small amount of our time to send a few letters may put our sport in the spotlight in Ottawa a little more, create more awareness and add political pressure to make improvements. Remember the old saying "the squeeky wheel gets the greese"?


    I believe that we can help make a difference if we all work together. There is another old saying "united we stand tall, divided we fall". I don't want to just sit and watch further degradation of our great sport. I really love fishing in Ontario and would like to see improvements. Don't we all?


    Who knows, if there are improvements to fishing in Ontario and more public awareness, it just may get more people into our great pastime and grow. Growth for our sport would be a good thing.


    I can spend the time to draft a letter and post it here, but we need real support from anglers in order to make this work. One squeeky wheel 100 miles from Ottawa will not be heard.



    As I had stated previously, our opposition is very well organized. We could do to learn a few lessons from them.

    We need to take up memberships in sporting clubs and use those clubs as our lobbying force. The OFAH is one umbrella lobby organization, but it is not enough. Clubs also have to develop a positive public presence with lots of media attention. We like our quiet and isolation when fishing and that is good, but our public image must be loud and visible.

  3. Shame is a horrible word to use to describe a hockey team representing it's country. It was a meltdown that is for sure but shame? Give your head a shake.

    The looks on the boy's faces say it all. They got smug and gave it away.

  4. I used to get the continual phone calls to come back to bell, I no longer receive those calls.


    I made 2 threats. 1) I threatened to sue them for harassment and breach of privacy.

    2) I was going down to the call center and ripping someone's throat out.

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