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Everything posted by BassAsin

  1. very good point, i think that sets the commercial pretty straight, sometimes a point gets made without thinkin about it, cutrling is HUGE in the prairies and if not mistaken so is farming!
  2. about 90% of the time i leave to go fishin with just a pack sac i carry 4 spools of line with me a variety of size of hooks some splitshots a 6 or 8 inch hand bomber depending on what i go for some flagging tape a knife my gps a scoop (hand most of the time) use some willow branches for switches a small "oil candle" the things used to keep food warm at the halls and luncheons, a small tackle box with some grubs, jig heads , spoons and bait. not a whole lot pretty simple set up and good success most of the time. hit the ice and bring a pen and paper make a list of the stuff u feel you may want to pick up and as long as you have the basics you'll be set. before you know it you'll be carrying more junk than u ever wished u had. trust me! Matt!
  3. So how do you weigh your fish? do you jam the hook on the scale into his gills? or do you shove it through the bottom lip? do u weigh it in a bag? (slime removal) essentially what you are saying is that a cull tag is going to kill a fish eventually. so maybe we should weigh our fish and then take them home for dinner becasue there going to die anyway correct? and as for the obnoxious part of being in a tournament are you involved in the OFC tourny this year? does that mean i can assume that all of us are obnoxious for joining? regardless of prize or bragging rights theres something on the line. the joy of fishing and having fun is always present in a tournament and believe me, when i lose a five pounder on a day of fun fishing i get just as frustrated as if i do in a tournament. when it comes down to it fishing is for fun regardless and if money being on the line makes you feel any different so be it, until you have fished a handful of tournaments and realize just how much respect the fisherman have for themselves the sport other teams and the fish maybe we should just agree to disagree! none of this is meant to be rude ill intended or ignorant my appologies if i have offended anybody Matt!
  4. amazing shots brandon! spectacular i sincerly envy your passion for film. and your shots are unique one after another! Matt!
  5. we sure are! i was directing the second half of that at others! it almost disgusts me when people keep their bass to eat i see them as a C&R fish only (personal opinion) have maybe kept a dozen in my life because they died or couldnt be revived
  6. FLW as well a success rate of over 95% live release and they use tags. are they being ignorant? the weekend angler who catches and keeps all their bass are harder on the fish then us tourny guys, even when i fish bass on days or for fun i catch and release them. so am i still a "bad guy" for using tags?
  7. so what we're saying here is ramming a 5/0 hook or 3 trebles into its mouth is ok but a cull tag is not appropriate? i tag every one of mine 12 inch or 5 lb it gets a tag, was in a tourney last year wher i started with 5, 2-3 pounders and by the end of the day i was culling 4-5 pounders and ended the day with 5 over 5 in the well all within ounces. i have never had a fish die in the well either with a tag in them!
  8. thats a beauty eye ya got there simon, good work. Matt!
  9. thanks mike. nothing of great size but definatly a good day none the less!
  10. An underwater camera is exactly what i need its the same depth as holes 12 feet away but i'm thinking a down log, slab rock or a weed bed of sort that they follow the edge of. in march just before ice off i'll have to submerge a water bottle on a rope and anchor and see what it is with a mask and snorkle!
  11. its still early yet 10 and a half months to go and bass hasn't opened yet and neither have lakers or specks! as for wallies i hope i can beat last years 31 incher but i think percher can take care of that anyway!
  12. those are some awsum lookin lakers! thanks for the pics! good to see someone can catch em' still not in season here yet!!!!!!!
  13. It's been a great 2 weeks for me Jaques non stop action! Make your way down to North Bay Dan! i can take ya out somewhere. all depends on what ya want to fish for!
  14. Was on the ice again today with rob, we managed to catch 8 in total once again, i hammered 5 small pike 5 different age class of pike too hahaah he managed a half deccent bucket another jumbo about 12 inches and a small hammer. nothin major, kept my 5 alive in a live well all day for a day total pic and then let them go. we didnt keep a fish all day. the hole that caught 7 of 8 fish yesterday caught 6 of 8 today, somekind of structure down there that the perch pike and bass seem to like. for 3 straight days now i've been leaving one line set in about 22 feet of water about 50 yards away from my other line lookin for a big slimer to come out from the depths, and still not a hit. I've heard somebody say that persistance pays off so we'll see! These lawn darts varied from 13-22 inches!
  15. not incredibly familiar with the lake but there used to be an access point at the beach near a lookout called "high rock" as for truck on lake there is anywhere from 12-24 inches of snow on them up here and some are statring to get slushy, and if ya wanna catch a ling set a line with a minnow about 3 inches off bottom in 20-40 FOW and let it sit there all night, thats how i used to catch them when i stayed at the ice shack when i was too "wobbly" to drive the ski-doo home. as for lakers move around and try it out anywhere from 10-100 feet deep usually in the 50-80 depths and jig a flashy spoon and set a line. and for a good depth map maybe online is all i can think of! Matt!
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAH obviously you didnt work in produce!! 4am-11am non stop doin somethin one break and never get to sit! hard on the body but the walleye didnt start to bite till 3 anyhow. had a nice cozy bed in the ice shack!
  17. i would bring the extension anyhow just in case you end up in a shack and need to drill a hole inside, remember the height of the floor brings you off the ice 12-20 inches.
  18. HAHAHAH good job marcus! now how are ya s'posed to land a lunker if you're at work?
  19. Thats the plan Jaques, get out as much as i can for whatever feels like biting. big small it dont matter the company is good and always a bit of exercise gettin out on the hard stuff. i'll keep my reports comin if u keeps yours comin too! hows that sound? hahah Matt!
  20. They sure were perty BigUgli Nope wouldnt have starved had i kept them all! We didnt miss a fish all day Bob even the perch were takin in a 2/0 hook and a 4 inch minnow!
  21. it certainly is an excellent concept and well ahed of its time but i think it would have caught on had the use of tractors not gone out the window. or jsut not enough people could afford? none the less very very clever. Matt
  22. thanks dan, still early yet. Thanks joey she was tasty too! not a PB but gettin close!
  23. beautiful lookin job.
  24. been havin lots of success from hearing buddies talk and ice anywhere from 16-22 inches across the bay.
  25. managed to get out to the lake today for a day of pikin' all alone for the 1st hour before my buddy rob showed up, i had iced one small snot rocket early and not a bit again for almost an hour. i drilled 2 new holes and set up some lines as i saw rob walkin across the lake and winthin 10 mintues one hole was on fire we managed 7 fish out of it within 2 hours 3 pike 3 perch and one Largemouth to my suprise. the biggest pike being just over 5 pounds and measurig in at 28 inches, and the biggest perch at 14 oz. and 12.5 inches it turned out to be a good day. not too cold at -10 and lots of snow coming down. we kept the biggest perch and let the rest go, Matt!
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