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Posts posted by camillj

  1. If you kiss the Mermaids (or any other species for that matter) you can get Beaver Fever.


    Ya know Wayne, I can honestly say I have never associated Beaver fever with kissing fish ... but then again its probably all in the technique ... and who's :)

  2. I prefer mon to braid (except on my Musky set-up) ... personal preference ... I like a little stretch ... and find it to be a little more limp (both qualities I need when fishing light line on BIG fish in clear water ... never really had trouble with hooksets because I use sharp hooks.


    BTW the easiest way to avoid twist (except when trolling a spinner - like MEPPS - when almost nothing works) is to adjust your drag properly ... I have seen more guys turning their crank with a too-loose drag and ending up wondeirng why their line is always twisted ... thats the single most common mistake I see out there.



    Anyhow .. mono definitely has its place ... mostly for finesse IMHO

  3. I just had to do it ... after seeing all the chrome being flashed shamelessly about ... so I went down to the freezer and sure enough there are still two 'vials' of the 'stuff' ... and it smells .... sweet !



    So tomorrow early I am heading eastward (somewhere between Duffins and Shelter Valley - hopefully thats not too specific for anyone) to drift a few amongst the weekend warriors ...



    Send me a PM (before 5 am) if ya wanna hook up

  4. Just got a 42 inch Sharp Aquios LCD and I really like it!



    Me too (mines on the bedroom wall at the foot of the bed) ... and I cant stop saying .. WOW ... look at that picture !!! Too bad the leafs wont be in the playoffs because the HD games are AWESOME on it.


    But dont cheap out .. get the HDMI cables (for the converter and the DVD) and get the HD PVR for your converter ... it makes ALOT of difference ...

  5. Good topic ...


    I have at least a dozen times been standing in line behind someone taking a fit on the cashier for not asking for photo id - when it clearly says to do so on the back of their card .... I have NEVER heard a cashier ask for photo id (except for mine) - because my card is ALWAYS impossible to read after about a week ... either way I have yet to see someone be refused service - Id say the consumer is much better protected than the bank or the store in this instance so you can probably rest easy either way - but stay vigilant on your statements so you can mitigate the damages is something unpleasant does happen to you.

  6. Thanks all !


    I appreciate the support .. and if it means anything to y'all ... I can honestly say it is because of a few OFC'ers that I went from not having the next cigarette last March 4th to ... not having another one since .... I hadnt really thought of quitting .. and I definitely didnt realize that the last cigarette I had was going to be my last ... but I made the (mistake) of mentioning it here when I returned home from driving my daughter to school when a bunch of you pounced on my poor unsuspecting soul with all this support and encouragement that I was literally embarrassed into carrying through with it ... and here I am over a year later ... and truly a believer in my self and the ability ( I never thought I had in me) to kick the beast ... so in a word .. Thanks !!!!


    You know who you are !




    And for any of you thinking of giving it a try ... you have a family here who truly care and will support your efforts (when the time is right for you)... just let us know ... and believe ... because you DO have the power to do it.



    PS .. sorry CC I didnt realize I was smokin ya out :)

  7. Thanks for sparing us the 'white whale' Glenn ... especially before breakfast :)



    Only two weeks till spring up here ... but we're preparing for another 10 - 20" of the nasty stuff tonight ....it is our problem now ... but remember ... when it melts it'll all be flowing south :)

  8. Actually 366 days to be exact ... Since my last fix of the old pals (Players Light Regular)... still got a carton sitting on the stve (prbably a little stale now) ... just in case :)


    Just thought I'd share for those of you that keeps track of such things ... and for anyone considering it ... it was actually a LOT easier than I ever thought it would be ... I had never tried quitting before because I dont like to fail ... and wasnt too sure I would have what it takes to beat it ... but here we are and honestly glad I did it.


    My advice if you wanna do it ... just do it ... dont mess around with substitutes ... cold-ass-turkey all the way

  9. Site could definitely use an facelift ... the store on the other hand is on my weekend rounds along with CT and Home Depot :) ... I consider it a part of my saturday (if Im not on the water) ... always friendly and often special order stuff I ask for ... follow up with calls to me when stuff comes in ... the BPS on the other hand have driven many miles only to find the catalogue special item I came for is sold out - try to sell me something else and no interest in getting to come back by special ordering for me ... to each his own ... but I have always thought LeB was THE fishing store for me and much more personal.

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