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Posts posted by camillj

  1. Wow .. I cant believe I read this whole thread ... what a big to-do over nothing. It took me all of 5 minutes to get a LIFE-TIME registration number for my portable hut ... I got one last year because I didnt feel like taking it down everynight ... the darn thing got stolen (but thats another story) .. anyhow the number they give you stays with you forever ... I just printed mine on the 'puter and stuck it in one of those high-school plastic page protectors (like the one I use for my OFC logo (for the big derby) ... then I stitch it to the door (mine is tent like material) .... anyhow whats the big deal ....


    I swear sometimes we make so much noise over the petty issues we wont be heard when we have something really important to complain about.

  2. I still remember my phone # from the 50's.......Riverdale 3331


    hmmm .. was that 743331 ?



    Im a wee bit younger ... but I think Brampton still had a 416 'area-code' ... actually I think you had to call the operator for long distance to 'book' your call ... especially if it was overseas ...


    Keepsies and funzies


    go-carts and bundle buggies were 'modern' things


    everyone knew how to fly a kite

  3. I think the whole 'club' (not just fishing) thing is challenged by a changing environment were fewer and fewer people have the luxury of time and everyone has to make tougher choices on how to spend that time. Having said that, I think its a conversation that happens every few years in every club.


    Clubs will always have to compete with all the other demands on its members attention in a world where the membership has many choices about how to get the value out of its investment of time and in a world where the perception of value is always changing.


    The internet is definitely one competitor - not just because of instant information - but also because it is an easily accessible way to get a quick 'fix' of comradery (with little demand, commitment or obligation) through forums like this one and without the personal penalties associated with a whole night (or day) out.


    For those who have earned the luxury of time there will always be clubs ... the key will be finding ways to offer good (like minded) people a worthwhile return on their investment and accepting that not all members have the same interest or ability to participate but keeping them engaged regardless so that there are others to share that time with.


    In the case of the club I am a member of, this means accepting that once or twice a year is it ... and keeping those few get togethers worth it for everyone. (For me its quality not quantity that keeps the club going)

  4. I started playing again about 5 years ago after almost 25 years ... its just a sunday night old-farts league ... but it took a very short time to remember why I loved the game.


    Boy, theres a lot of difference though being 46 vs 16 :)

  5. Lure #1 was a spoon. No brand names here, a spoon was a spoon was a spoon, no matter what size or shape.



    Here's a spoon my Dad had made (in the early '60s) which I still use to this day almost 40 years after he passed away ... I figure he'd be proud...and Yes ... I would definitely dive in to save it if necessary ... but I use it with care and not really to catch fish .. but to watch it swim and for the memories it brings ... :)



  6. Good job, for what its worth ... a good ramble goes a long way .. and frankly is worth more ... once you have had a chance to write it and read it back to yourself a few times ... make a note to come back and read this again next year (and the year after that) at this time .. I am sure you will be glad you did...and you'll likely remember things you thought you forgot.


    Thanks for sharing !

  7. According to my SMOB-ometer ... its 12,253 butts that I havent littered over the past 10 months and 8 days .... still got 11 packs on top of my stove though ... just to remind me who I really am ... :)


    Now ... just gotta get back down to 185 .... but that I think I can do :)

  8. Great thread ... truth is even after over 40 years of doing this the list just keeps growing ... my trunk looks like a army surplus store ... but dont forget the more you drag out the less likely you are to explore :)


    Anyhow .. just to add a couple of things ... as a matter of fact I picked some of these up myself at CT this last trip out ...



    Flares (2 pack)

    Windproof lighter

    Reflective safety tape ... in case you are stuck in the 'fast lane' when the sleds are whizzing by after dark

    Zip-lock freezer bags (a few) .. they come in real handy to keep your phone and GPS dry in the snow/rain

    Axe/hatchet/saw ... I always have one in the trunk ... and have used them MANY times

    Spikes and lengths of Rope ... I use these to brace the portable or to anchor stuff in high winds on the ice ...the hatchet also doubles as a hammer :)

  9. Too funny Wayne ... I found a whole box of them (about 100) in the attic of a old house I rented in Guelph in 1979 (2nd yr University)... and that was one of them for sure ! Not sure what ever happened to them ... probably worth a couple bucks today :)


    Anyhow Dan ... in '72 ... I was watching Phil Esposito chastising the Canadian fans for their booing in Montreal, Ken Dryden was standing on his head and a guy named Tretiak was making it realllly hard for Paul Henderson and the rest of us to kick some Red-Army butt....


    Living in Brampton in the apartment buildings across the road from the Steinbergs and up the street from Billy Davis' house ... I still used my Popiel's pocket fisherman and my super-slider-snow-skates .... and ... if I am not mistaken ... it was the first year I had a plastic street-hockey-stick blade ... which when heated could hold a curve the size of Ethiopia !

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