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Posts posted by camillj

  1. Never say never... I was once INSTRUCTED by a very high ranking politian .. who shall remain nameless ... to ensure that no Ontario Student could access Yahoo ... because it contained links to porn sites that children might follow ...


    In those days I was in charge of the government education backbone to the internet .... and I almost got fired over my position that it was not only impractical but would cause great political backlash (and was against the whole spirit of the internet in that day to block access to a search engine) ... anyhow ... for several years the debate ran on about how we needed to control it ....

  2. I bought an extension that painters use for rollers ... the ones that you twist to set at the desired length - it just happens to fit perfectly inside the handle of the big frabil net ... so with a carefully drilled hole about a foot up the shaft and a bolt with a wingnut and I have a perfect 12 foot extension for my net ...

  3. Wow ... what a great question Roy ... I cant even remember when it all started for me (but as you pointed out every post is still up there for the all world to see - something we need to keep in mind when things get silly)... I have been involved in Internet type activity since before it was called the internet (used to search for all kinds of info at University libraries using their 'dialup computer network connections' back in the late '70's and early '80s) ... surfing in those days meant getting a new phone number of a computer you could dial into (and a userid and password) ... I most likely was looking for info about some lake or other (as I still often do) and ended up here ... I think I used to go onto an informational site at the U of Toronto which had info about some of the eastern tribs I frequent and there may have been a link from there to here ... anyhow ... now its just a regular part of my day ... sit down and check 'the' board :)

  4. Wow ... I awoke yesterday morning to a 'frozen' laptop ... and when I rebooted ... PXE Error - check your cables ... well after a long sleepless night and much farting about with SATA drivers and Gateway drivers .... and a wayyyyy cool tool called disk commander... I now have a laptop with a bright fancy new harddrive ... and few of things (like this favourite to OFC) to show for it ... I know .. I know ... thats what backups are for ... but ... lets just say it didnt work the way I thought it would :)


    I am not quite there yet ... still missing a few months of emails and a favourites file .. and need to try and remember what fancy software I downloaded off the net (like PDF readers/unlockers, screen grabbers etc)..



    But wait .... this is a fishing site ..... nobody cares about alll that techy stuff !



    Let me get a good nights sleeep and I'll see if I can upload a few pics from the ZEC

  5. Hey Big Cliff ... or other OFNers ... I am in the market for another 9.9 (for Quebec) ... tired of driving up to muskoka and back every time I need a motor for the ZEC



    I have a personal preference for the old seahorse (workhorse) but aything comparable - and trouble free ....



    Mods ... if I need to put this in another area (like WANT-ADS :) ... please forgive and go ahead and move ...

  6. Well .. sorry ...but I say lets support our athletes period... there have been a LOT of personal bests and Canadian records - alot to be proud of... success isnt just measured at the podium .. but in the journey ... and I'd say we have a lot of great young athletes putting in their heart and souls ... too bad we can only support them if they win a medal ... these folks give many hours of the day for years to even be able to qualify at this level ...often with little or no funding .... sure its fabulous when they win - especially against the titans with deep pockets ... but winners arent just measured by the colour of their medals.

  7. I once saw a loon come up with a minnow off bottom (on a fishing line) in almost 20' of water ...the Loon escaped unharmed... but you'd be surprised how deep they dive.


    And I believe the issue is that dead birds keep showing up with lead shot in their belly and signs that lead poisoning was the cause of death ... thats the kind of thing that gets everyone upset.

  8. Too many people seem to feel its their 'right' to do way too many things that suit them but negatively affect others ... maybe its time to change the laws to protect the land owners and waterfront property taxpayers rights... if we want to keep our right to fish I would say it really behooves us to take some consideration for all those other folks who also want to enjoy the water.... not just because its the right thing to do .. but because sooner or later that 'right' might be taken away.


    Dont forget that there is often a water intake line attached to that jug you see floating there ...


    Anyone boating/jetsking/fishing within 40 feet of a dock where there swimmers should be charged (and shot on sight)...


    And I dont own a cottage... but I do spend alot of time fishing off the dock of one ... remember it's one of the few places left you can legally enjoy a wabbly-pop while also enjoying your favourite passtime... :)

  9. And dont forget the figure 8 ... in fact in GBay you can just drift and figure 8 .... youd be amazed at the big girls hanging out in your boat's shadow ... I raised the same big girl about 5 times before she finally got bored and swam off ... the thing about GB is they have lots of water and lots of food ... but its not just about the catchin ... as soon as you see just one of those MONSTERS ... you're good for another year :)

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