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Posts posted by camillj

  1. Those look awesome .. and just for the record (before the results come in) - I can attest to the fact that black is an EXCELLENT colour ... especially at night (not being funny either) ... it is one of my favourite colours for cruising lake trout, monster bass and big fat walleye ... not to mention top water specks in mountain lakes :)

  2. Dont want to hijack the thread ... but I have often wondered about the issues transporting a Quebec ZEC limit (of 10 brookies) through Ontario ... anyone had any experience with this ? For background, there is paperwork which gets registered at the ZEC so this may be a little different but whats the ruling if the zone you are traveling in has a lower limit (or for example a slot limit)

  3. I'd be up for that ... I fish for rainbows ... not steelhead and only in very well known (but rarely crowded) rivers and creeks :)


    But I think we may also need a section for our Musky-ho's too ... even though that section doesnt get busy til later in the year ... cast vs troll ... myspot vs yours ... fillet vs steaks ... steam vs fishcrisp ... vertical vs gill grip :)


    And we ABSOLUTELY need a section dedicated to brookies .. but only as long as Danc will promise to post lots of pictures .. even if from previous years :)

  4. And thats why I bought this.


    Not 1 complaint.




    I almost bought one too .. till I realized it wouldnt fit in the underground (too tall :) ... but AWESOME engineering !


    I been a Toyo driver for 3 camry's now .. not a single complaint about service .. and this is another example of going the extra mile !

  5. Not sure what all the bunk is about ... I still fish the Wilmot, and Oshawa, and Bowmanville and many of the other tribs mentioned ... ALONE ... most of the time because thats how I prefer to do it ... and if you want you can too... you just have to be prepared to walk and know what you're looking for.



    By the way I was at the Credit on Friday ... chocolate milk ... totally blown.

  6. Cliff,


    Honestly I think the chances are the lesson is already learned ... make a nuisance of yourself in someone elses home-town / venue and there will be trouble ... more than likely with you (and anyone with you) at the the short end of the stick ... I think the real lesson is the last part ... so as friend I would focus on how to stay away from trouble. Unfortunately life isnt always fair and the guys who are charged with keeping order put up with alot of crap and dont take kindly to people 'rolling over 3 rows of seats" ... I am not sure whether the fact they didnt speak to the other guy (who made himself scarce) has any relevance ... he's probably a local and doesnt want to get banned from the place for good .... which by the way ... you dont want to push your luck and give them the chance/inclination to decide to do to your friend


    I say let sleeping dogs lie on this one... what didnt come out in this side of the story is what the 'witnesses aka innocent bystanders' three rows up and down had to say to the security folks ....

  7. Way ta go Scott .. I figured they'd be almost back to normal .... gonna be chaos out there on the weekend ... and yes Wayne .. you took the words right outta my mouth ... when I checked the flow rates I saw that most of the tribs crested over 24 hrs ago and are allllmost back down to normal

  8. Im with Solo ... ALWAYS somehwere to find thats fishable ... besides a day of scouting is a day of learning and thats at least half the fun of fishing. Especially river fishing ... the river is a different place EVERY single season ... so you need to understand how the currents change (and slacken) in heavy flow as well as when gin clear ... then (very often) you'll stumble across an eddy and see the fish - even in chocolate milk.


    Having said that I tend to do more driving and look for smaller water (tribs) - which normally get better runs when the current is up - heck I will never forget one year seeing BIG trout swimming up a (normally dry) culvert along side the road in about a fot of water one year when the rivers were really badly blown and I guess the trout had been fooled into thinking this was a trib.

  9. It will last at least 24 hours in the fridge ... and longer if the door is closed ... even longer if the power is on and the frige is functional....


    Much less is you have teenagers and the fish has already been cooked :)

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