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Posts posted by camillj

  1. Freshwater ...


    Specks .... by far number 1 !


    Splake (in some cases confused with number 1)



    Pink Salmon

    Atlantic Salmon





    Brown Trout



    Saltwater (with fins)


    Mahi mahi (we call them Lumpuki in Malta)



    Red snapper

    Sea Bass

    Anything in the Tuna/Mackerel family


    Saltwater (without fins)


    Alaskan King Crab

    Lobster (East Coast)

    Rock Lobster (Carribean)

    Tiger Shrimp






    OK .. I am an admitted lover of almost ALL seafood (except sea urchin eggs and sea cucumbers)

  2. Wow ... 40 years of river fishin for Steelies ... I have never even tried a shiner ( I save those especially for through the ice lakers) ... the real problem for me would be to find live shiners anywhere near (or en route) to the tribs I fish ...


    As for Ice fishin .. I like sticking my hand into the freezing water and chasing the liveliest ones around ... I am a strictly plastic-bag-inside-the-cooler-minna guy .... and I use my thermos cup to refresh the water right outa the lake ... I find the minnas love a little coffee-flavoured-heart-warmer on a chilly day just before the 'deep-dive'

  3. These idiots don't deserve a dime. Fire all of them, and take over the industry for the good of the workers, the country and the planet.


    Yes... sure ... brilliant ! ... and then how much of a bailout will you need after you own it ... the problem wont be solved once we own the companies ? Some people make me crazy !!!!

  4. Merrill Lynch was predicting 25$ barrel oil next year ... that'll be hard on our friends out west (and the C$) ... but price of gas still has some downside ...


    Remeber ...when you do the math... you gotta factor in the 30% difference in cost of USD$ ... so our current price of CDN 67 cents is not far from what you would expect at USD$40/bbl

  5. My Toyota was made less than an hour from here ... so the 'import' story doesnt work for me .. and those jobs (in Ontario) matter just as much to me/us as the ones in Oshawa.


    Truth is we all have a really big problem ... and this part of the Auto market (big 3) is just the tip of the iceberg ... the wholoe industry is the rest of that iceberg .. and theres a wave of other icebergs flowing through .... if we dont print the money along with the rest of the g8 we'll have a long mountain to climb to catch back up (if we ever can) ... the key is to make sure that its money well spent ... personally I like the 'guarantee' for leasing (qualified buyers) ... I like the line of credit ... and I like the equity financing ...


    What lots of folks seem to forget is that right now (never mind if any of the big 3 ever get into bankrupcy) - many 'qualified' car buyers - even if they choose to buy GM FORD etc - CANNOT get financing for their lease - this is a self-fulfilling failure NO MATTER how much money you throw at the problem - if the buyers cant buy then the producers MUST stop producing .... or flood the lots with unsold product... and the whole thing implodes...


    The solution HAS to include a means to enable (not just entice) willing 'qualified' buyers to buy... so at the very least the govt needs to get involved - I say the fastest solution - with the lowest real-dollar cost would be to offer no interest loans and allow the PST/GST costs to be income tax deductible.


    The second low-cost (real dollars) idea would be to bring back the concept of company car without the associated income tax penalty ... then small business folks will be incented to buy cars for their employees rather than pay out cash bonuses .... and in fact it is a 'no-cost' approach to the tax-payer since these are cars that otherwise will NOT BE SOLD anyways and so there would never have been a tax collected on the sale ... of course this option is only viable if there is still an auto industry left to support .. so we HAVE to do what it takes to buy the time to implement a longer term solution...I say buy the shares and control the board (the total combined market cap is something like 3 billion) ... then make the changes in the market place to make it work.




    The only real caveat is for the other players/investors/workers - who will (rightly) cry foul if the playing field isn't kept level.



    By the way, it strikes me that not so long ago Japan introduced legislation requiring cars to be OFF the road after a period of time (think it was 3 years) - a planned obsolescence - and built in engine for the marketplace - I am pretty sure it was introduced as part of a emissions control measure ...not sure this is the answer but it is important to understand that the producers are only one side of the equation ... the consumers (and the parameters around their consumption) are at least as important in it.



    Just my 2 cents

  6. Ahhh .. the good old secord order differentials ... four years of Calculus I never did - EVER - use ... not even once .... and I used to think that the saying "he's forgotten more than you'll ever know" meant he was really smart ... now ... I believe it to mean ... he's just senile :)

  7. I got to play at a few of his PR events. Used to play in a Sea Cadet band in the early 70's Had to have all those forementioned Canadian songs memorized.

    Brampton was just one big subdivision back then. Half the houses were built by Bramalea Construction back then.



    Yep .. and downtown was called the 'four corners' ... Bramalea was where the Glass factory was ...

  8. God that does bring back a ton of memories. Emperor Bill ( Davis :lol: ) would always have a brass band or school choir to sing/play that theme every time a new provincial facility or program was opened.



    Wow do I ever remember that .. in fact I went to school RIGHT ACROSS THE ROAD from Bill's house ... they used to have all kinds of hippy rallies in the park behind his house - of course I was in grade 5 at the time so we were just glad to get out of class :)

  9. Yep pain to set up ... not too thin at all ... actually surprisingly warm ... but not the best in high winds ... I personally love this one because the ice screws cant be beat even in the highest of winds ... and setup is easy even if you are alone.





    But dont be fooled ... 4 man is they way to go for 2 of you ... 2 man is just right if you are alone

  10. I'm outta here tomorrow morning at 2:00Am for a couple days of musky fishing with the boyz on Lake St. Clair, but with the heavy rains a & strong north winds their calling for, and the muddy waters that'll go along with it, it's gonna be tough finding those big girls. :Gonefishing:



    Good luck out there Lew ... and plenty of pic's... none of that oh I forgot the camera crud :)

  11. Is cotton taboo??? :dunno:


    Down here wool isn't "All that!"... and if it wasn't for our cotton, you could kiss your blue jeans and T-shirts good-bye!!! :angry:


    ... then you'd have to run around in Spandex, do you really want to see yourself in Spandex Marty? :blink:



    Sweet GCD ... Sweet ... They dont make em like that any more !


    but ya know ... them Egyptians got cotton too (although I was never sure it actually came from Egypt ... could just be a BAMA-fooldabuyer-SLAMMA :)

  12. I am considering heading eastward on Thursday ... just wondering if the conditions are right ... dont get me wrong ... I'm going out anyhows ... just looking for a reason not to sleep well tomorrow night :)


    Besides its been too long since my last glimpse of chrome ... but then ... there's also those big fat girls puttin on the feedbag up on the bay ... and team four still needs some Musky-inches decisions decisions !

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