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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. You the slab king Shayne The kids smile says it all Jacques
  2. Nice rig you got Archie Now go get us some walters will ya I know you're a fan of wallies Leechman
  3. Really.... or is it M.... ah never mind but how long does hiatus last??
  4. Thanks again waterwolf!!! I know that you hunt with a bow.... must be the ultimate feeling when faced with a deer in close range. Just talking about it get's me all pumped up I'll make sure to take some footage when I set it up in the bush.... I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy the view from my vintage point
  5. Man how did I miss this great report Must of given you a great fight from a canoe perspective I could just imagine Congratulations waterwolf That is a beautiful "thick" big gator Thanks for sharing Leechman
  6. Awesome Rich Congratulations on the new ride Leechman
  7. He's one heck of a character, I'll give him that but most importantly, a very generous / good / kind person.... never met him and wish I could be closer so we could meet I call him my friend and I miss his presence on this site Leechman
  8. Don't ask me why but I can see your reply now This is just a preliminary to see how it fits together.... Getting out to the spot will be pretty easy with a 4x4 bike and trailer. I'll be about 300 yards from the deer feeder.... I'll have a pretty good view of it As for scent and noise... will be setting it up ASAP so that they (the deers) get used to seeing it in their environment Thanks again waterwolf!!!
  9. Thanks waterwolf!!! but only thing I see in your reply is my quote
  10. ======================================================================= UPDATE ======================================================================= Been busy again today.... added the window and bench..... you'll probably notice green dots on the inner side of the studs.... those are the screws that need to be undone when I'm ready to disassemble it Was a real hot day on the deck and got myself a good burn on the neck Here's the vid Enjoy!!! Leechman <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid732.photobucket.com/albums/ww321/leechman1/2010/Deer%20Blind%20Project/DeerBlindProjectUpdate3.flv">
  11. Thanks Brian!!! Good idea... I just might do that Uploading a video update..... Stay tuned LOL Terry I couldn't shoot a blind deer for the life of me Stay tuned.... update coming very soon
  12. Thanks troutboy!!! Added some additional hardware today..... stay tune will be updating later on.... not finished yet Thanks Zulu!!! It's getting better and will be real comfy Been working on the bench and window today.... will post an update later on Stay tuned
  13. Been kind of busy lately and was not able to come on line.... sorry folks Today, after work, got busy dry fitting my deer blind to see if what I had work so hard for, would fit together..... well let me tell ya that apart from some needed tools by my lonesome (drill, deck screws and clamps).... worked out pretty good So here's the results and enjoy the video!!! Leechman <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid732.photobucket.com/albums/ww321/leechman1/2010/Deer%20Blind%20Project/DeerBlindProjectUpdate2.flv"> Stay tune for some more!!!
  14. Much better Beauty again congrats
  15. Awesome spinnerdoc Sounds like you had a great time out on the river's edge Congrats on landing that beauty but the link does not work for me.... may be you need to upload the pic to Photobucket and copy / paste the pic properties into your post. I'd be nice to see your first!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  16. Great report and pics Matt Never caught a tiger before, let alone a musky..... must of been a great feeling to hook into your fish while your buddy was fighting his.... Awesome Congrats on your first & PB She's a real beauty Thanks for sharing Leechman
  17. I hear ya Dara.... to stay current must read the regs... that's the only way
  18. May be for you... but not up here April 23rd is the day
  19. Yes Beans the ice won't be around for long.... one of our local lakes up here "the infamous Casino du Lac Leamy" has gotten open on the shorelines as I was driving along the highway 50 last Friday It's just a matter of time now Leechman
  20. Awesome Brian Good advice but I have other plans for that... you just have to wait and see The painting.... yes the painting... You'll see stay tune!!!
  21. No problems Mike... lets get together on the 23rd I know a good lake for them monster speckle I'm off that Friday.... me and Melissa are going to be going for them trout and hope she gets into her very first It's only an hour 1/2 drive from my place
  22. I thought I recognized your mug.... good going Fidel Jacques
  23. Thanks AzuluSpookd!!! I certainly will and you can count on that Once I get all that stuff together and final.... will be shooting some footage from ground control Ground control in the bush where I'm going to be setting it up I still have the painting to do but it will be done in due time Stay tuned and thanks again Azulu!!!
  24. OH you bet johnl.... I just can't wait for the opener. April 23rd can't come soon enough Leechman
  25. Thanks Brian!!! Did that last year.... the nature blend and this sorry butt ain't going to be out in the open to what ever mother nature throws at me. Style and comfort is what I'm taking about and this little project is going to make my worth while A lot of work so far and getting close.... will be putting it together next week sometime.... have to figure out the door, window and bench I'll be sitting on Stay tune for some more and thanks again Brian!!! Jacques
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