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Everything posted by BillsTheBassMan

  1. Education in plain English is a great way to let people know why OOS fishing is wrong. Explain it clear and concise so they remember it when they're talking to others in the future.
  2. Banning Water Bottles is a good route to go. My girlfriend and I were walking up the beach last year and we walked for hours. We passed hundreds of people on the way and they were all swimming and enjoying the nice weather. When we walked back most of the people were gone but their garbage was all still there. Dangerous items too. Broken bottles, questionable food items, and some things that were hardly identifiable. My old dog was twice cut on walks/swims by broken bottles. Litter is a real issue, particularly in high pressure fishing areas and public swimming areas. I often pick up garbage and sometimes come across a lure or two while I'm doing it. I know other members on these boards practice the same thing. So, here is an idea: How about the OFC tournament features a point bonus for teams that feature pictures of their members picking up litter with the OFC Community sign in the picture. This would be a good, fun way to do something good and get rewarded for it at the same time.
  3. Yeah, stories like this are always good to hear. I suspect that more than a few big tickets were handed out this weekend. The more fines that happen, the less it happens on the water. Period. Cheers.
  4. There are far too many people that just fish for "whatever" without caring about/understanding the implications of what they are doing. Enforcement is only really executable if you find people with Bass in their white bucket or boat. They can always say they are sunfishing or catfishing or piking. Sadly, there are also too many people like this Snyper3G. He thinks that because Bass isn't open yet that he is allowed to target them as long as he is throwing them back. To make matters worse, the people who are fishing for "whatever" generally have less of an idea on how to handle the fish they do catch and use live bait more frequently (deeper hook sets). It's pretty grim when you think about shorelines and boats for of idiots hauling out the guts of OOS fish and don't think twice about throwing their minnow or worm out again. All we can do as concerned anglers is call the MNR or a CO if we are lucky enough to find one. You can say something to the people doing the fishing as well, but that is generally not well received. If they get enough calls on a certain body of water it will be patrolled more often and the regs for that area could even be changed.
  5. My girlfriend and I go to our local humane society on a weekly basis. They really do good things there and lots of good, friendly people work there. You can find a great Sheppard (or Collie, or Husky, or Lab,or Rotty etc) with no problems at any animal rescue shelter I am sure. They have full vaccinations, are spayed or neutered, and you generally can get all of their history. It is a great place to start.
  6. Lake Couchaching all weekend for Pike. Have fun folks
  7. Now a more reasonable comment for Paul: If you are legitimately concerned about your local fishery, you need to take action and do something. Your initial calls to the MNR seem to be in vain, so I would suggest next going to the Hamilton Conservation Authority. Perhaps you'll find a few people along the way (possibly on here) who feel the same way you do. If the HCA is ignorant of the problem, you should then contemplate outright calling the police when you see these gross infractions. A motorboat on a motorless lake is definitely a transgression worthy of a big fine. Perhaps you could start a group (comparable to Friends of the Grand) who are willing to do the same. If you make enough noise you will be heard. Another thing to note: You won't get too far by telling people to "fist themselves." You'll need to present yourself to other concerned anglers, the HCA, and most certainly to the Police, in a professional, concerned manner. Not in an angry, calling people "retards" manner. That stuff doesn't even wash in high school.
  8. You're not going to like me either after this (though I agree with your concerns), but I just couldn't resist pointing this out: Let's brush this up a little bit: Hmmm, and now I'm questioning your intellect . . . you're assuming that I joined simply because I started this thread. Your assumption, based on that 'fact' alone, led you to put some smart-ass comment using rhetoric that gets you no where in the conversation. Know vs No and Your vs You're That's what is making me start to question YOUR intellect. Perhaps you shouldn't start an account and burn someone with 16,000 + posts. That won't get you too far. There are other people that know from personal experience. "No Way!" you might say, but it's the truth!
  9. Happy May 24 Folks! My May 2-4 just became a lot happier as my buddy has announced that his 20' Bayliner is ready to go for the weekend and that it will be making the trip to the cottage. We're on West Couchaching, near the Menoke Beach Road area (8 minutes north of Orillia). We are trying to figure out in advance where we're going to launch this boat as the cottage we are staying in is rented and I can't reach the landlord at the last minute. So, I am seeking the OFC'ers assistance at the last minute. Does anyone know of a boat launch in the general area? Any help is greatly appreciated Have a safe and happy weekend, Ryan
  10. Hey Muskie! Welcome to the boards!
  11. Hmmm, Looks a little suspect, but I guess it could be from cross breeding. I'm not sure if an otter can breed with a possum, but I suspect that's what it'd look like.
  12. Perhaps the bear just couldn't handle the fact that a grown man was gardening as opposed to fishing . . .
  13. Nice catches, Great Report. Hahahahah.
  14. Derf . . . I actually already knew that, but have never targeted either. We once had a dogfish stealing all of our half-alive bait when we were bass fishing and he caused us some major problems though. Anyways, I did a quick google and found out there is a similarity between the two fish: "Like the gars, bowfins' swim bladders serve as primitive lungs, allowing them to gulp air from the surface and survive in waters with low oxygen levels" Ryan
  15. Are Gar also referred to as "Dogfish." I've heard that these "Dogfish" have mouths of almost all teeth and bones and I figured it might be the same fish. I would love to try targeting these fish at some point but wouldn't have the slightest clue where to go . . . are they spread pretty evenly throughout most of Southern Ontario? What types of bait (beyond the treble minnow approach) would work for them. I'd mostly like to examine one (and potentially freak out some of the non-anglers we have with us sometimes). Ryan
  16. Heading to the Couch from Friday to Monday with the lady, a dozen friends, and a bunch of wobblers. I'll be working the weedlines for some Pike with a Gatorade in hand and then doing it all over again. Cheers Everyone. Safe and Fun Weekend for All. Ryan
  17. This is easily the best report I have ever read/seen. Very very well done. I am very very jealous . . . no time for anymore writing, I have to google some North of Superior lakes
  18. Heh, This title jumped out at me because I JUST started reading Brookies, Browns, and Bows by Paul Quarrington and his "Old Guy" Gord Duval. Seems like a good read for starters and I'm impressed with it. Good report. I'd jump at that opportunity as well. Ryan
  19. Great info Steve. Thank you kindly. I looked into Blue Beacon and they have a great policy and amazing prices, so I suspect I will go there for at least a 1 day rental. I have a whole tray of husky jerks. Sounds like I'll be getting my chance to use them! Very excited. If I get into some fish I'll be sure to make a "Steve-Like" report. Ryan
  20. Gorgeous fish dude . . . great colours. I need to hit the stream soon.
  21. Sweet, thanks a lot. I will call around and see what I can come up with from there. Ryan
  22. Gorgeous. Can't wait to find a few of those myself in the near future. Great colours. Well done.
  23. Yes they are (which is why I want to avoid hooking any). I heard about a Perch run in early May at the Couch or something, but I would rather target Pike and Walleye.
  24. Hello Folks, This weekend a group of friends and I are heading off to a cottage on Lake Couchaching. I've never actually fished the lake but from the research I have done I have found that Pike are definitely present in the lake and many sources say that there is a Walleye fishery (which surprised me). Are there lots of Pike present? Are there Walleye in the lake? I am trying to avoid hooking any SMB or LMB. We're on the West side of the lake, near the Menoke Beach area and we would also like to rent a 14' boat or something in that range. (My buddy doesn't want to bring his boat due to the shallow levels of Sparrow lake a few years ago when we had to beach his boat some 50-100 feet off shore.) If anyone knows of any boat rental locations in the Menoke Beach Road area, that would be ideal as well. Report coming on Tuesday! Thanks in Advance, Ryan
  25. Do you work there or something? They deserve to be slagged on the internet. They deserve to be slagged on the riverbank and wherever else fishing is discussed. If the business cared about their reputation they would reflect that towards the people that construct the reputation for them. It's a manner of common decency and the fact is, when you run a retail business you have to put bad days aside. "I was having a bad day" doesn't wash. Perhaps you failed to read the replies to the initial thread, but I said that I will go into Troutfitters again. I, however, am not about to drive the 30 minutes anytime soon. AND, if you find the topic so unpleasant you could have easily ignored it. The topic title was very clear (it even states "first impression"). I'm surprised you could read the topic title from up on that high horse of yours anyways .... just sayin. So, I guess the next thing to say about Troutfitters is: www.ReelFlies.ca Steve, who I've dealt with exactly once, is phenomenal at customer service, even over the internet and phone. He understands the principles of being polite and helpful and how they relate to running a successful business. Coincidentally, I can buy stuff from ReelFlies for about 70% lower than at Troutfitters.
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