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Everything posted by hutch4113

  1. Running great. Almost at 30K. Engine seems to be much more alive - guessing it is starting to break in a little. Best mileage has hovered around 28/29mp - I probably won't hit 30 as I do tend to drive a little quick. Actually having a hard time not squealing the tires now - pretty much at every take off. If I don't want it to happen - I put it in 4W Auto at least until after take off...lol. Boat is ready to go, so towing season should begin in a couple of weeks for me...
  2. It is a small number - something to do with a part over torqued in the lower end.
  3. Sometimes you can get it to plane right - and skip across the top of the waves. Generally though I find I trim down taking the boat off optimal plane, and basically plow through the waves. Cuts my top speed in half - but is definitely a more comfortable ride.
  4. Just had a chance to check the Minn Kota site. Looks pretty straightforward. Thanks - had no idea it could be done. Now I have to see if my motor qualifies.
  5. Hmmm...I will need to take a look I guess. The boat is a 2008, so I would assume the motor is the same age (believe it was part of the original package, but since I bought it used, not really sure). I really only want to control the motor remotely, and as you mentioned spot lock. Do you know what I need to do the upgrade (other than the right motor)?
  6. Hahahahaha...nice try. But I have a 18.5 foot boat - so need a 70 at least. The one you have will be too short, and not enough power.
  7. Ok..I was wondering about that as well. I guess the link feature is for following places on the map. If I can just use the anchor feature - that is probably all I will end up doing.
  8. So my boat currently has a Minn Kota trolling motor - and because I did not know anything at the time, I went Lowrance (HDS 5) for my GPS and Sonar. I also have a LSS unit that I plan on installing this year. However - I would really like to get GPS capabilities in my Trolling motor - really like the ability to hold on a spot, etc. So - should I swap everything to Hummingbird, in case I decide to upgrade my trolling motor? Or Am I ok to stick with Lowrance, and by a motorguide unit. I am not really familiar with Motorguide, so no idea how they compare, etc.
  9. Yes - now that I think about it, they are 2 * 12V in a series, to a 24V trolling motor. I have 24V on the brain......
  10. Ok. Never thought to look there, but you might be right. I will swing by and check it out again.
  11. Looks like I will need to replace both of my Deep Cycle batteries this season. I don't know much about them, so thought I would get thoughts/suggestions before I purchase. I believe they are 24V, but will have to check to verify. When purchasing, do I need to stay at 24V or should I go higher? I am thinking of upgrading the trolling motor at some point - so not sure how big a role the batteries play in that. Also interested in recommendations on where to purchase. I tried my Costco on the weekend, but they did not have any Marine Batteries. Thanks in advance for the help.
  12. When did you purchase? I need to get two new batteries - went into my local Costco but they did not have any (nor was there any indication/price tags on the shelves). Wondering if they don't show up until later - or if I will need to go to a different warehouse.
  13. Just did my trek to Manitoulin and back. Lie o meter advises 26MPG - I will take that kind sir.....
  14. I averaged about 19MPG towing my Boat. I would guess you would be about the same. Check this site out -> http://www.ram1500diesel.com/. Pretty sure there will be some towing reports, that match your setup better.
  15. Should update - I am thinking of a plastic block - epoxy to the Hull - drill into the Plastic block. Also a "Sternmate" looks pretty neat -> http://sternmateold.homestead.com/index.html
  16. Purchased a LSS1 from a board member last year - and going to install it this year. Wondering if anyone has done this, and can provide some assistance, as I want to do it right. My biggest concern is how to mount on the transom - Aluminum. I don't really like the idea of drilling into the hull - figured there is probably a better way. The 2nd aspect is where I put it in relation to the current transducer. At any rate - and pointers, pictures, etc. would be helpful. I will continue to search. Thanks everyone (and if there is already a post out there, point me in that direction as well. I did a search but nothing relevant seemed to appear).
  17. No worries. Better than nothing. Appreciate the response.
  18. I for one have zero issues believing this. Whenever joints/soft tissue are damaged, modern medicine does their best to put it back together - but it is never right again. I remember that from the Dr. explaining the jaw damage my wife sustained. Basically her jaw was split in half at the front, and the right joint where it attaches to the skull was crushed. (along with a broken neck) - to look at her, it looks fine. But the Dr. said it was 80%, which was the best he could do. Having seen her deal with this - and going through the ups/downs, you do start to look for solutions outside of Medicine, because it cannot address it. It is also true that while pain medication does work (somewhat & sometimes), it is not an ideal solution, and one that if it could be dropped, would. All I can say is - if you have noticed a difference when altitude changes, you are most likely not imaging it. And be assured it is not "all in your head" as some might suggest (both Doctors and others) - people can be well meaning - but also incredibly senseless. To be fair - it is hard to relate unless it has happened to them, but I would not wish it on anyone, just so they could "understand".
  19. The only other thing I would say RE: moisture/humidity. When we have to go to areas close to Sea Water - it does not impact my wife the same. For instance she also felt better in Vancouver, which has high humidity. We were out there as part of an experiment as well (plus it was also our 15th). Friend of mine moved out there, for pain reasons, and has felt much better. I was looking at it for Allergies, as most who live around Salt Water don't have them. As she gets older, the issues get worse. Winter is really bad - though this year seems to be a little better. But any time there is a weather change - she can go downhill fast. Reminds of one other thing - Barometric Pressure. I researched Arizona as some have mentioned it as possible location - one thing for that area is the Barometric Pressure hardly ever changes, and when it does it is gradual. We saw the same thing in Vancouver/Okanagan. In Ontario the pressure can change both rapidly & often, which I suspect is the biggest issue. My wife will often know weather is changing - up to 2 days before it does. She can feel it coming - which is always a bad thing. It is usually related to going from High Pressure to Low, though we have not really tracked it.
  20. My wife deals with the same issue. Part of it for her is moisture/dampness. Hate to say it, but when we leave Ontario, she quite often feels much better. Our last trip out west (Okanagan) was great. She was actually able to function daily, which is unusual to say the least. Never thought about the Altitude - but maybe that is also why she felt good. Another area I have heard about in Ontario though - but never investigated - is Elliot Lake. Known a couple with other health issues, that went away when they moved there.
  21. Sure - that would be great. I think it is on my Navionics chip, but I always like having a paper copy to review, make notes on.
  22. Glad to see the posts...I thought I was seeing things a few months ago - saw 2 up in Severn Bridge, just past the canal. Was on the highway, so did not get a good look, but I could have swore they were Bald Eagles. Had no idea they used to be in this area - be really cool if they are back.
  23. Thanks. Appreciate it.
  24. Yes - it is that one.
  25. For those that are interested - first look at the new Nissan Titan -> http://truckyeah.jalopnik.com/2016-nissan-titan-this-is-it-1678940830/1678943175/+pgeorge. Looks like they are going to go the HD route with the Diesel.
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