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About brookieman

  • Birthday 03/04/1978

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  • Location
    Red Lake, Ontario

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Net Attendant (3/10)



  1. Go with theses guys. It's the top school in Ontario and the instructor is the one that taught Les Stroud everything he knows. http://www.solotripping.com/education.php?id=11
  2. Sorry if this is the wrong location for, Mods feel free to move it if need be. I've got a canoe located in Toronto that needs to come up to Red Lake. I won't ship Kevlar as freight so it looks like it needs to hitch a ride. If anyone is heading to Thunder Bay, Winnipeg or somewhere around there in the next few weeks, please send me a PM. I'm willing to pay a good chunk of your fuel bill for the trouble. Cheers, Brookie
  3. Cool pics but i'd say not from Timmins...or anywhere close. Look at the trees in the background. That's a huge stand of softwood. While Birch and Poplar grow readily throughout the Timmins region, they don't grow in stands like that. Even large stands of softwoods are densely populated with Spruce and Jack Pine.
  4. Average daily temps here are in the -25 range with early mornings seeing the -30's. I just can't sit that long at those temps. Snaring allows me to keep moving and work through different areas and see all the interesting things that go on. Up until the new year I also carried the .22 for grouse. Lots of grouse up here! After 4-5 hours you turn around and head back to check your snares...usually with a few birds as well.
  5. I've gotten out every weekend for the past month. .22 and snares. This year was my first season snaring and i'd say that's the best way to get #'s. It also a great way to spend the day. We've got over 3 feet of snow in the bush up here so setting up snares while trying to negotiate a dense forest is an all day affair......and totally worthwhile. Here's a shot from the end of December.
  6. The landowner doesn't legally need to post any signs on his property. By law, RED DOTS / MARKERS on trees around the property line are all that's required.....and it's even written on the ticket you received.
  7. Even better than Toporama, figure out the index number of the map you need and download the appropriate map here: http://ftp2.cits.rncan.gc.ca/pub/canmatrix/50k_300dpi/ These are actual full size scans of the Ontario 1:50 000 topo maps. The same ones that cost you $ 12 in the store. Thank your tax dollars for this service.
  8. It's a little unsettling to me how lightly some on this board take this subject. Go visit a hospital, an accident scene or a funeral after a DUI and you'll see why both the United States and Canada take this issue so seriously. Come on guys.....
  9. "I still want Peddie and Tannenbaum canned!!!!!! " It might be a little difficult to get Larry Tannenbaum canned since he's the only one with a personal investment in MLSE. No way he's going to let someone else how to spend his money. A shakeup's definately in order.
  10. A word of caution about Lee Cole....his flight license has been revoked in the past...do a google search and you'll find all the gov't documents explaining the circumstances. I flew with him 10 years ago to a small lake near Chapleau. I was not impressed with the accomoodations. We were the first party to fly in to that lake that year (late May), and he hadn't even been to the cabin to check on anything. As it turns out, the dock had broken away from ice so the plane had a heck of a time landing and we had to wade in the water to get everything to the shore. To make matters worse, the fridge had crapped out and it was extremely difficult trying to save over $ 250 of groceries. He didn't so much as offer any discount which really ticked us off. The fishing was good.....but all the lakes up there are. I'd do some serious research before booking with him Caveot Emptor
  11. Here's a picture of a classic spider hole If you're wondering how and when your favorite lake froze over, check this out. You can actually go back in time and see how the ice formed. May give you a better idea of thickness http://wintercampingforums.com/index.php?topic=30.0
  12. Big Guy, not to be too harsh, but you should speak from what you know, not from what you believe to be true. If you actually "knew", you would be aware that BPS is living rent free for now. Part of their deal with the Mills corporation to get the store built. You should also be aware of the fact a lot of the product in the stores was purchased and paid for long before the dollar reached parity. No retail business in the world has prices that reflect daily currency markets...why??? because they would be broke quickly or their customers would complain consistently. Think about it before you sling the mud guys. It takes time to put orders through, receive merchandise, sort it, distribute it and finally stock it on store shelves. If you owned a store would you sell at a loss because the dollar changed....i think not.
  13. Thanks...just checked their site and the sale is on for a few weeks. I'll be popping in next week!
  14. Bigbuck, you're thinking of White River
  15. Well done boss......next time get the pizza hut express at the gas station. My pizza only took 45 minutes! LOL
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