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About musky_man

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  1. Hey Lew, Looks like a heck of a trip - despite being retired, I've only managed a few hours musky fishing and one fish ... had some nice follows, but no other takers. Take care, mark
  2. Shut your water off in each toilet, one by one and see if that helps. If a toilet is leaking, you should be able to find it that way.
  3. Yep - a pain in the butt. I have gone through 4 and this year I went and bought a cable version instead. Just as responsive and no issues so far. Good luck.
  4. I just researched this and the best place the I could find was Monaghan in Peterbrough. Best prices and they will deliver to Toronto for a very reasonable fee -- cheaper thant a lot of local suppliers. 4x8 x 3/4 = 85 bucks plus tax http://www.monaghanlumber.com/ I am in the process of rebuilding my boat now.
  5. HI, I was thinking of refurbishing my Smokercraft. The wood is a little weak in spots, but otherwise she is fine. I am going to strip her right down and redo the wood, wiring, carpet etc. Will likely repaint the exterior as well. So -- anyone done this and have any tips? I was thinking of buying a new boat, but I need a project and I have a second boat I can still fish from in the interim. Feedback appreciated.
  6. Frankly I think only the most bored, mindless people give a crap about this stuff. I am not in a union, but they do have a point -- and why could the twirp who took the pic just just tap on the glass and give the guy a break. Who the hell knows what this guy's life was like before his shift. I have never fallen asleep on the job, but God knows after several 14-16 hour days in a row there have been times when I felt like it. I hope the twrip who took this photo never goofs off on the job or falls asleep ... he's set himself up for a world of hurt if it happens.
  7. HI, I did it 30 years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. My "little" brother is now 41 with his own family and life and we are still as close as can be. We were prefectly matched -- my wife says we even walk alike. Can't say it works out that way for everyone, but for me it was great. Mark
  8. Cliff, Thanks -- a beautiful and touching song that we all need to hear.
  9. Hey Lew, Well done ... she looks like a beaut! I'd drool for that workshop space. Should be very happy there. Mark
  10. fishdawg, How much insulation are you going to add? Have you had a heat loss calculation done? The reason I ask; I had mine topped up from R8 to 60 and the grant I am getting back is more than it was to have the insulation professionally blown in. In other words, I am making money! The amount you get back depends on the % increase in R factor. Something to consider.
  11. Fkyboy, The Ontario Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care have been looking at Lyme disease much more closely over the last 3 years and they are tracking and mapping areas all throughout Ontario. Also - doctors are being made more aware as well. Mark
  12. Tambo, I work for the communicable disease division of Toronto Public Health and deal with a few cases of Lyme disease every year. First I have a few questions: 1) Have you been genetically tested for ALS? That will rule in/out that potential diagnosis quickly. 2) What exactly have you been experiencing? 3) Do you recall a "bulls-eye" rash in your past. Important to know however that not all people have this rash. TESTING Your doctor might run two tests for lyme disease. One is called and ELISA the other is called a Western Blot. The Western Blot is a more senstive version of the ELISA. These tests look for antibodies to the bacteria that case the infection. There are 2 classes of antibodies they look for: 1gG and IgM. If you have IgG antibodies and no IgM, then it suggests you have been infected, but in the past. If you have IgM and no IgG, is suggests a more current infection. Past infeciotn would/can cause very bizarre neurological symptoms. If it is Lyme disease, then it is treatable with long courses of antibiotics, but the earlier the better. The other thing you might consider, although it is a long shot, is West Nile virus -- it can cause all sorts of weird neurological manifestations. Again - easily tested via a blood test where they look for IgG and IgM antibodies to WNV. Hope that is some help and good luck. Mark
  13. Mike, I LOVE the style of her paintings. Your wife has a real talent that should be nurtured. Has she had any professional training? Does she take commissoins or do it for the love of it only (understandable, since when it becomes a job, some of the love can go with it)? Thanks, Mark
  14. Lew, Glad that things went well ... in 6-24 months (max) I'll be taking a page out of your book. Stay in touch and good luck with the house sale -- great trime to be selling! Mark
  15. My condolences to you and your family. Iti is tough losing a parent.
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