I know this is a long way off but my game plan is going to college. This year i am starting my final year in hi-school. Here is what i am not sure about: as money is going to be hard to get to i am considering taking a year off after hi-school to work and save up some money. I am also considering just jumping into college right after hi-school or taking a extra semester and gather up a few more credits.....not to sure. Also if any body on this board took out a student loan to pay for college, how does that work. I know that when you borrow money you will always need to pay it back....and them some. I am sure I will figure it out i would just like to hear some stories of how some of you "went their way" after hi-school. I just wish i could win millions on my 18th B-Day and fish for the rest of my life with noooo work......