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Everything posted by tonka-toy

  1. I would agree not to start on Georgian Bay,it can be demoralizing at times(big water,few fish,treacherous shoals.)Better off to start on some of the kawarha lakes,learn a lake or two well,then take what you learn and go back to the bay to chase "biggins."I fished pigeon for about five years and had lots of fun with good numbers of smaller muskys(multiple fish days can be the norm with a little work.)When you do hit the Bay,remember that you are chasing huge,scarce,smart beasts who will break your wallet,your heart and your gear.That is if you can suffer though the boredum and moments of questioning your sanity that you will experience on most trips.
  2. I hear you Darrel... so Tim now that the action trip is done ,what's next,hunt down some" biggins" on the kawarhas?ha ha ha
  3. I'm sure there is something to the moon times,but it seemed to me that you tapped into something on another level yesterday.After waching you hook one after another,Will and I decided you must have used Dave's "Jedi-mind tricks" to influence the muskys into passing on our bait and unloading on yours.It was quite a feat as we stuck you in the middle of the boat and made you fish "Dirty- Water" all day.
  4. Whatever it is I caught one just like it fishing for rainbows near a creek mouth a few years ago.Thanks for the post.
  5. Jim,I made a post afew days ago titled "flat-back muskys"take a look.would like to know if yours was similar.
  6. sweet.. thanks for the post
  7. Looking back at the largest fish over the years, I've noticed that the larger they were, the flatter their backs became. The largest musky I have ever seen (landed by a friend in my boat) was completly flat on top from the head to the tail. I believe if we had flipped her over on the deck she wouldn't have rolled over. I have only seen it on fish we have caught on Georgian Bay and on those say longer than 45". Has anyone else noticed this and anybody know if it may be specific to the area we fish or common on all large muskys? ge
  8. Doc, the worlds greatest wife informed me of the 10th anniversary plans for this weekend."diner and movie on friday,visit aunt in fergus on sat afternoon,and she doesn't care what i do on sunday. So if you guys are still around i'll see you at "mega-dawn"sunday morning.as for statagy,I plan on having camera charged.net at the ready,and allowing you to return the favour as camera man as i crush my "peanut-butter"
  9. made some about 3years ago.I,m still using a 48-incher for trolling.I was concerned about how they would stand up on biggies,but have been lucky enough to put 2 in the boat that exceeded the leader length.My early mistakes included,making the bend too tight which lead to breakage at the swivel,not using big enough crimps (using a larger one allows you to pass back though the crimp a second time,then use shrink-tube on the tag to avoid collecting extra weed),and finally even starting to fish for muskies in the first place.
  10. well big D, all you have to do is be there when i catch her,snap a picture(carefull with the background),and let me take care of the rest.should be around first week of sep prior to the full moon.
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