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Barry Willis

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Everything posted by Barry Willis

  1. Thank you Akrisoner, I like how you put that. When I took this photo my wife and I were actually out looking to photograph and record grizzlies in Kananaskis Country Alberta. My wife actually spotted him first and got an awesome video while he came down off a hill which was more like a cliff right towards us. His silver tip guard hairs just rippled across his body with every step he took. It was truly a sight to behold. With the wind in our favor he didn't know we were there until he heard me taking pics of him with my 35mm Minolta. We're so close that on the video you can actually hear him ripping the grass and chewing it. Once he saw us he was gone like a shot. I ran after him hoping for another shot as my wife was screaming at me, don't you be chasing that bear. (hence my nick name Bearcat, LOL) I should have known better as they can out run a quarter horse for the first 100 yards. But I'm glad I did as I crested a hill I seen him stopped in a meadow a couple hundred yards out and was peaking around a tree at me thinking he was hid not realizing the rest of his body was exposed out the other side of the tree. It was funny but I can't find the photo. I have several more close ups of grizzlies but it will take a while to find them as my photos aren't very well organized on our computer and there's tens of thousand of them to go through. Sorry for such a long story. Thank you.
  2. Well I was able to post this one so I think I now know what to do with the others. Delete them and start over. Good thing they are still on my camera memory card.
  3. Here goes nothing. Well that's it. If I try one more time I am going to throw this computer out the window. If it would fit I would have flushed it down the toilet long before now but had I done that I would have been following right behind it out of my wife's grasp, LOL. In my personal opinion I feel the pics I am trying to post are worth a gander at. I'll try and find someone more computer literate than myself to help figure out what is wrong with it. I hazard to guess the price of a new one. Thanks very much for all the help you fellas offered. I NEED A DRINK, CHEERS.
  4. Thanks Limeyangler. I have lots more but I can't post them. I will give it another try. I see lots of bobcats but lynx are much more elusive.
  5. I have a picture on the trail cam of a bush rabbit and a very lucky rabbit at that, it was checking out the bait just seconds before the lynx showed up.
  6. Yeah I tried that Fisherman, Thank you, more times than I care to think about, yesterday as well. In the box above, sorry same box, it would say done but there was no pic. Then all of a sudden I got this one and then the fight was on again. I wish I had known it was going to work that one time I would have chosen one of the nicer ones. I was going through all them hoping to find a solution. Once you guys taught me how to post pics I've never had a problem. There was a time recently when I wasn't receiving any posts from the forum and Spiel corrected it for me which I am very grateful for as at my age most days it's my only form of entertainment. LOL.
  7. Oh well I won't be posting anymore pics, maybe you's don't want them any way. LOL. I have a couple more really nice ones but can get them to download onto the topic page.
  8. Just a couple pics I thought I would post as not everyone has the opportunity to see these guys in the wild. These were from last month the camera wont let me change the year. I just swapped memory cards yesterday morning. I don't know what is wrong with my computer but could only send one pic and it took twenty minutes to do that.
  9. It does appear to be a crack, and if so yes it is kaput, at least that part of it is. Sometimes they will run and seem fine for a while. But after time all that water in there is going to take its toll.
  10. I believe you are absolutely right Ohiofisherman. It is one piece and to me that is obviously a crack.
  11. I drive to the local - This was a promotion at Safeway years ago with this Mazda Miada. Upon my delivery of the Mazda they had me drive it up and down the aisles before tickets went on sale. I made sure the regional manager got a photo with the fish market sign in the back ground. LOL. (the scratches you see are not on the car. They are on the photo. It was brand new I personally picked it up at the factory and done the PDI myself)
  12. Your creations and pride in workmanship are second to none. Beautiful.
  13. It doesnt get any better than that. Awesome.
  14. Further to - Not to come across as a smart a$& know it all but if you chose to do this yourself a pressure test will tell you where the water is getting in, this should be done carefully or you will wlnd up blowing seals that do not need replaced. I am sure I do not have to tell you obviously a fair bit of water has entered the leg to be that milky. I never thought of it before but there are likely some videos on Yutube but ya have to be careful there to.
  15. Howdy Siwash, More often than not the water gets in through the prop shaft seal. Personally I would take it to a reputable marina or some one that has the knowledge etc. to do the job and they will or should also inspect the gears and bearings and put it through a pressure test in order to determine if you need any other seals replaced. I have seen it happen just from the screw. Good luck Bud.
  16. They look awesome Spiel. Super idea, As I mentioned in a previous post and you are obviously no stranger to this, it all starts with the imagination. Another thing I like, chances are no two will be identical. Very Very nice Spiel.
  17. Good going Limeyangler, they are fiesty little buggers and hard to beat when it comes to table fare. I enjoy your videos. Keep em coming.
  18. Good for you Spiel. That is a very beautiful rod and reel combo it truly is and very practical, I love it. I would be very proud to be standing shoulder to shoulder amongst other anglers with it in my hands. It is so nice to see parents getting there youngsters into fishing. Thanks to old Pappy here my whole family including my Grand children and especially my wife are very much into it. I do not know about these days but back in the 80s fishing was the fastest growing outdoor sport in North America. Sadly in todays society it seems to have died off some what. I am sure your daughter will have many pleasurable hours reeling in lunkers with it. Thanks for sharing.
  19. Holy smokes Limeyangler, did you ever get them into some nice ones. Good going. They had to have been very happy.
  20. Thanks very much for that Misfish. Yeah the boats around an 81. My Dad had a 14ft mirrocraft in the late 70s. And as you mentioned it was wide and deep. I loved it. He had a 7.5 merc on his and it really went then I put a 9.9 on it and I couldn't believe it. This one I just bought has a 9.9 This one here is a different model as my dad's didn't narrow from the center to the transom kinda like a canoe with the square transom. So I don't know what it's going to be like. It should go through the water nice I would think. Any way so long for now.
  21. I know it's old that's why we are going to get along so well LOL. I have other, smaller outboards much older and still run perfect. I even have a 5hp sears that looks like new and runs the same.
  22. Thanks very much Spiel I appreciate it. I've been watching Kijiji very closely for a couple years now for a practical boat. I came across this one in the most unusual way. I was driving through a residential neighborhood and on a front lawn was a sign - boat for sale. I'm thinking what the ....'s up with that. He could have at least put the boat on the drive way. But there was just something about it so I went back. He took me into his garage and there it was. He's always kept it inside when he isn't using it. After some haggling I got it for two thousand bucks and all the goodies included. It was a no brainer. The Evinrude is a 9.9hp.
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