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Barry Willis

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Everything posted by Barry Willis

  1. Hey CrowMan, I truly appreciate you sharing this. I'm always open to new recipes and ways of doing things. Most all my cooking is done outdoors regardless what time of year or the weather. It may be a fire, the smoker, grill, barbeque or the outdoor propane cooker and I can't wait to try this. If I'm not mistaken I believe my wife has one of them big old cast iron vessels you mentioned that looks like it belongs to a witch Haha. I'll have to delete this soon as I never know when she's going to be home from work. It really sounds very good. I'll go with lake trout as I most always have some on hand and I'll be after more around the 20th of April. And again "personally" I feel potatoes should be cooked with the skin on, that's where most your flavor comes from. The ratio of salt versus water makes perfect sense. As you mentioned sea or kosher. I can't remember the last time we had table salt in the house. Anyway thank you very much for this. I know we'll enjoy it.
  2. Personally I think it would be a sin. Please keep in mind that's my personal opinion, everyone has their own personal taste. Lake whitefish have a mild but pleasant fish flavor as it is, why would you want to mask it with tarter sauce. I remember fifty to sixty years or so ago when the old timers of the day would boil their whitefish in water than eat it. Unless you are going to drink the broth where's the flavor? My wife used to dip her fish in tarter sauce as she was raised that way until I finally convinced her to try it without. She hasn't used tarter sauce since. Any way that's just us. Don't be afraid to try it on it's own. You may be pleasantly surprised. Cheers.
  3. Hence the phrase, being in the right place at the right time. Very nice, good goin.
  4. In regards to one of the quotes on Fish Farmer's post, and I thank you for this as it brought back memories. - You Should Have Been Here Yesterday. I remember a time many moons ago my Dad drove us in his old Pontiac to a popular fishing spot on Georgian Bay and got out and asked one of his buddies if he was catching anything. His buddy replied no, not even a bite, but you should have been here yesterday, couldn't keep them off the hook. My Dad then said well that's it, I'm gonna start going fishing yesterday.
  5. Misfish; you gotta quit doing this, you are always making me hungry. I'm trying to lose weight and I'm running out of fish. Cheers.
  6. They do look awesome. I suddenly have a craving.
  7. About 55 years or so ago I had a black crappie in the freezer that was quite big that I caught at Stokes Bay I was going to have mounted. It was cold this one day so I though I'd defrost the freezer. I put everything outside in the baskets. Upon bringing every thing in the house and back into the freezer I noticed my black crappie was missing. It had to be my German Shepard, He never touched the beef or anything else just the crappie. I think he was ticked off at me because we hadn't been fishing for a spell as I seldom went without him. We never did see it again, not even the bag it was in Haha. I've never caught another that big. Happy Days.
  8. Very cool. I've never seen anything like it.
  9. Man are those ever nice. I don't think I've ever seen crappie that big.
  10. There is some truth to this. Some folks go for years trying to find the perfect fishing partner, I married mine. After 52 years she's kicking my butt more frequently, catching more and bigger fish than me. (She had a good teacher, Haha) Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to post a couple pics I wanted of her with a ten pound walleye and a forty pound chinook. Hopefully she doesn't see this as she will start rubbing it in again. LOL.
  11. Thank you very much. I certainly would have never figured that out on my own. If and when I ever catch something worthy of posting I will do that.
  12. Thank you very much for that Fisherman. Very cool pic, I love it. If you don't mind me asking when was that taken? t Merry Christmas.
  13. I'm glad you posted this topic about the eye balls and jarred my memory. It's been almost 60 years since I have used them and forgot all about it. Sucks getting old and forgetful. My buddies and I came up with the idea when we were kids, we ran out of dew worms one day while bass fishing and it was quite a long trek to go home and get more on our bicycles, they worked awesome I've used them for everything from perch to trout with great success. Would one of you fellas be kind enough to take the and tell me how to post pics from my desk top. Being old and even older school I haven't a clue how to do it. I'm not very computer literate. My email is [email protected] Thank you very much, Merry Christmas to all and may the new year be your best ever.
  14. Crow and Akrisoner are 100% right. I've repaired several rods over the years for fellow anglers and myself. To look at them you'd never know the difference. And it doesn't take much, they just aren't the same.
  15. I remember my dad use to say there's more fishing rods broke from trunk lids and car doors than there are from fish. It's a fact. Done it myself once, Haha. It wasn't funny at the time though as fifty years ago most of us only had one fishing rod.
  16. Good going misfish. Man, it really took off. From one old fart to another I'm happy for you.
  17. I'll never forget fishing for Splake on Georgian Bay. Most times we were catching them every cast at a depth of 40ft. Almost every one was so full of smelt and not just one but several smelt were hanging out of their mouth as they didn't have room for them and still took our lures. Didn't matter what we threw at them. It's a shame they couldn't reproduce. One of the nicest eating fish I have ever had. Happy Days.
  18. Howdy Garry, very nice to get your message. I still have my 330 Quick. I used it almost every day for years and the only thing I had to do was replace the bail spring and right from around the same time I bought a 110 ultra light, it is an awesome little reel. Quick went out of business but years later they were reintroduced but I can't remember where they were manufactured. At that time the 330 became 330I and so on. They were also a good reel but not as good as the original. Tight lines. - Barry.
  19. Very nice work Misfish, they look as though they may crawl away any second.
  20. When I went to public school, many moons ago, (Oxenden), one room school, one teacher, grade one up to and including grade eight we couldn't wait for the leeks as we would eat a couple on the way to school as the teacher couldn't stand them and would send us home. Lol. I need a fresh feed of morels is what I am craving and stock up the freezer. To me they're better than steak.
  21. Heck of an idea Misfish, I've used coffee grinders for a lot of things but I never would have thought of that.
  22. I like it so much I had to come back on the computer and look at it again. I'm the same way when it comes to cork handles. Looks like something I'd own, lol.
  23. It looks beautiful Misfish, I love everything about it, especially the cork handle. He obviously knows what he's doing when it comes to building custom rods. Very nice reel by the way. It looks as though they were indeed made for each other.
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