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Everything posted by workwear

  1. well today i took a day off....one of the few i have left for the summer......woke my son up at about 5 and we were off to balsam.......mornin was a very nice one ...over cast ...water was like glass...and we started to pitch a few in 5 to 10 ft of water........ landed my first musky of the year ...wasnt a huge one....measured 21 inches.....by no means lew's standards...lol anyway....son looks at me...and you could see the look in his eyes.....i wanna catch one too.....well.....doesnt he start landing largemouths.......he lands bout 6 of them......now i have the look on my face....why cant i catch them...... all in all a great day.....i love watching him catch more so than me catchin them.....its such a rush to see his eyes light up....dad i got another one......lol wish i knew how to post pics.....as soon as i figure it out ill post them.... cheers pete here is my son with a few largemout
  2. if your looking for a mechanic try sal up at discount marine 11790 keele st in maple 905-303-1777....just had my impellar done on my 200 he only charged me 130......and turn round time was 24 hrs......others wanted 250 and up....and the wait time was 2 weeks and up.......i didnt have the time or the know how to get into it so i caved......sometimes spending a little has its piece of mind.... just a thought
  3. now thats funny..........being an eye tie i can relate......too funny gcd
  4. i was wondering.......will it not affect your automobile driving record........ i was told that any infraction on the water results in have the infraction sit on your driving record......which in turn could affect your insurance premiums...... yes this isnt a moving violation....but some insurance companies really dont care if it is or not..... just wondering
  5. always try to replace batteries in pairs when hooking up to a 24v system......i know i made that mistake once.....paired the new with another new...and wlel...night and day....good luck
  6. i have been a member on this board a very very short time....and i have learned alot from the many on here.....althought i havnt agreed with all......it shouldnt be expected that we all can get along.....BUT...what i have seen i am amazed as to how so many of us can help one another ....i have met a few OFC'ers.....and the ones i have met they have been great in one way or another.....as to questions being answered....maybe some dont truly know the answer..... i know i will always check in here for one reason or another..... i mean with all the great and intresting twisted cast members on this site........truly priceless!!! glad to be a part of it
  7. are you challenging me to a trolling motor race????....lol have a great nite all.....
  8. i figured out the problem.........brushes!!!!!!.............the brushes were seized buddy came over.........note to self......stay sober on these projects if its your first time...... cleaned everything up....should work right......but to get it all back in place........now that was a chore all in place right....cool........test run......buddy says ...its spining the wrong way...... now we inadvertenly switch the negs...and junk....wires.......seems i was right......but a good story to laugh about one day i can imagin trolling backwards.....too funny....... so i had a brainstorm......switch the wires at the head of the unit......discovered those earleir on when i was on a mission to investigate.... hooked everything up....and now she purrs........ feels good to solve little problems like these........ cheers everyone
  9. no roy there isnt....just took off the power head......brushes seem fine......coils round the motor are a little brown......maybe its had its day......just took the top off to see if there something loose.........gonna check minn kota to see if they sell parts.....hate to replace the trolling motor
  10. i dont think its the controller......still spins left and right....and when i have in gear so to speak....a quick flip of the blade and she starts to spin....im thinking....the motor itself has seen better days........ thxs as always gerritt
  11. gotta love mechanical problems on boats....just when you think if fixed one thing another goes..... top weeks had a problem with my main motor.....found out it was a bad battery......replaced that now yesterday....while fishing simcoe....getting ready for the tourney today......my trolling motor decides to crap out on me....... fustrating to say the least......trolling motor still turns left and right....but the prop doesnt spin....unless i give it a quick spin with my hand...... fishing partner and i thought maybe we will sit this one out....... think its time for a new one....... oh well.......who said boats were an inexpensive hobby anyways cheers
  12. you could always try out a hydrofoil.....i hear they can be useful in your sitation
  13. im not sure about the cost but the number to call and inquire is 416-863-2001.....name is mike......was gonna go to do the test ....get to drive round in an 14 ft tinny....so i was told....but got bogged down with work......... all the best
  14. just make sure you have a harbor license if you plan to be near the islands.....if im not mistaken...you need one when navigating thru the harbour
  15. csfl tourney............simcoe!!!!!!!!! cant wait!!!!!
  16. carry a few midol....and if she acts up again give them to her.........
  17. well done....they can be a blast great pics!!!
  18. congrads guys for toughin it out....... great to see a few in the boat..... cheeers peter
  19. WHITIES ON SIMCOE???? LOL........ i say lets linch the weather man!!!!!
  20. IDIOTS?? now thats class....calling italians idiots.....must i remind you the last two world cups that italy has one there havent been any ruckus of any kind........in 84' was there not 400,000 ppl who celebrated on st.clair without a single incident...i think its classless,dan, that you have resorted to name calling..... FORZA ITALIA
  21. sweet ride...all the best to you and your boat.....
  22. a true class act!!!!!!!!
  23. it is not the law as of yet...but my thinking is ..if it is an expensive boat wh not insure it.....also if you ever entertain on the boat ....tubing or takin friends out ....i think it would be best to do so ......i currently pay bout 600 a year and its on its own policy...i would have to claim it on my house and then have a claim and be rejected the year after on my house.....but on smaller vessels its possible.....do your homewrok....and find the best price other than that .....its piece of mind...... i hope never to run over a log or some rocks....but i do know that im coverd if i do ...... cheers peter
  24. no i didnt ask misfish....but of youlike i could ask.......ill be talkin to her on monday...possibly
  25. well just got off the phone with vita......all booked for the 29th on simcoe....will be my first tourney,fishing for largemouth....csfl tourney launchin out of barrie asker her if i could leave my boat at my buds cottage and drive over to barrie in the morn....no problem she said....be there at the launch by 6.30 in morn...... any other OFC'ers gonna be out there??....... my first tourney.....but i have fished simcoe alot....hopefully they are still right there where i left them last year.....lol...... cheers peter
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