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Everything posted by jonnybass

  1. Aren't most if not all tributaries that connect to the lake "navigable"?
  2. Nice pic, but you should make the pic size larger so we can get a better view.
  3. There's nothing land owners can say or do. They're "land" owners.
  4. That's using your head. Great idea and nice report!
  5. I just don't understand why anyone would do that.
  6. Sure! You go by the name LICENSETOPIN on another forum where you haven't contributed one positive thing, you're rude and you put up your centerpin reel for sale and then didn't bother to respond to a member who emailed you about buying it. You're a 17 year old brat troll.
  7. I've seen this guy on another forum... He's the same over there.
  8. Because that's what we do on forums. Why are you still trolling?
  9. Senko. Wacky rigged.
  10. Never tried them because I don't use YUM anymore since I've found Yamamoto to be far superior.
  11. Using a marshmallow is illegal, ignorant, unethical and immoral. You'll get charged if a CO catches you. I donate my time to CRAA, therefore I'm an expert and it's true. You're dense if you don't agree with me. That is the argument in a nutshell.
  12. So we've now established that Salmonids, including Steelhead WILL bite a marshmallow, contrary to what the experts were saying earlier in the thread. We've also established that you "can" line fish with marshmallows, but you can also line them with floating roe bags. It's also been established that lining IS legal, since none of the experts were able to provide any reference to a law that states otherwise.
  13. If you like bubblegum senkos for sight fishing, ie you set the hook when you see the pink disappear, try white instead since it's slightly more visible.
  14. LOL!!! Yup that's the way I remember sunshine park!
  15. And which side of the marshmallow debate represents the "educated few" may I ask?
  16. Not judging you (stringer or no stringer), but it does look like a stringer to me. Nice bass regardless.
  17. Or this one I used to go to: Sunshine Park in Wasaga Beach. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  18. Thanks gerritt. I will look into that place. As for "singles camping", I know exactly what you're talking about! I used to have quite a uhhhh "fun" time myself when I was youger.
  19. Care to comment on this one aniceguy? LOLOLOLOL!!!!! This is really gonna piss off 9 out of 10 self-proclaimed experts!
  20. Oh and no, using a marshmallow won't get you charged. You're really reaching now. LOL
  21. Blah Blah Blah. Yes I'm calling you a name, don't cry. You called a bunch of perfectly good law-abiding OFC members "immoral", "unethical" and "loose a few". As they say "He who casts the first stone..." You're the same one who just PM'd me calling me a name I can't even type here.
  22. I do get it. I think you're an for trying to force your Bull on other people regarding something that is perfectly legal and doesn't require $1000 worth of steelhead gear to do. Sorry for not responding to the rest of your rant as I more than covered all of it in my previous post. I will say this: Is shooting a deer "sport"? Are hunters "loose a few" too? Because the last time I checked, the deer didn't "bite the bullet." no pun intended.
  23. As far as I know, all Provincial Parks are alcohol free for the May 24 long weekend. I would like to go camping, but what's camping without a few brewskies? Anyone know any good campsites within 1 - 2 hours of the GTA preferably with good shore fishing for May 24 weekend? Thanks.
  24. Oh ok... it just seemed "fishy"! lol Sorry I don't have a trailer but I'm sure someone on here will be able to help you out... maybe in exchange for taking them out once you get her fixed up! Oh, now that you have the boat, shouldn't you buy a trailer anyway?
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