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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Thanks Cliff.... I had never seen that, but I have read about the re-expatriation process in an Armed Forces magazine at Woseley barracks here in London last summer. It is truly amazing, and rightly so too, how our HEROE'S are brought home and the RESPECT they are afforded once they reach Canadian soil. That video brought tears to my eyes this am. It is a reminder to me of how grateful I am to be a Canadian. I shared it on my Facebook page as well.. Maybe others will do the same on theirs too Splashhopper
  2. Last time I tried there when the maitland looked that bad,,, the niner was worse...( slower water at the mouth)
  3. I already got hooked on Bass this summer.. I think it ruined me for trout too Now you say that ice fishing will get me hooked again.... oh nooooo.... what a problem to have...
  4. Since today was a total bust on the Maitland for Dutchy and I and if the weather stays cold, it is likely our last outing for this season due to this We also tried the Nine mile and it was not in much better shape. So as we were driving home we started talking about how long it will be until April for more trout action. Both of us are considering ice fishing but have never been out yet. What equipment could we start off with to see if we are gonna enjoy being out on the hard water. Thanks Splashhopper
  5. what's ice fishing? Wondering if the guy next to you has taken his Ritalin this time ? Hoping nobody brought lipstick for some makeup lessons on the first guy to have a nap . ( usually me) Wondering why the heck we can't fish for trout in January when they don't usually spawn until march or april and we are stuck in a shack with a bunch of farting friends . Wondering why i ever gave up drinking when it would be so much "fun" to get hammered in a little hut with a pee n puke hole right at my feet....
  6. "he is stuck up there until snow plows come through , luck guy .... wood stove, beer and hockey night in Canada, what else do ya need" Ummm.. his girlfriend
  7. Big Cliff: Your gratitude is infectious.. .especially at this time of the year. God Bless Splashhopper and Botbot
  8. looks like you had a good year Mike... I sure hope you were using top water frogs on that light green covered water in the last pic.... I caught a lot of great LM Bass in that kinda stuff this summer
  9. I'm pretty sure I'd go way up the Amazon for giant peacock bass. I hear they combine all the best fighting features of SMB and muskie. Every time they are mentioned on TV or a magazine the word "explosive" is used to describe them. They hammer top-waters and 20 pounders are a possibility. There are outfitters that take you up river where you stay on houseboats at night and fish from smaller craft during the day. That would be amazing. Me too
  10. Mine too .. www.TheGroutDoctor.ca
  11. 1: How to fish top-water frogs... slow.. twitch .. slower .. twitch and on the grungiest looking weed beds I can find. 2: Flipping the frogs and senkos under trees sideways while standing on shore Now I just have to undo that "bass hook set" for the trout season that is almost over ... that is if I ever see my float go down of course
  12. nice pics.... wtg
  13. Never thought of that !...
  14. yep... 1-2 am in the morning on Richmond row on any given weekend and we could "clean up" ... heck... just targeting that strip every other weekend for a year and we would not have to raise taxes in London ever again....
  15. How do you determine that.... I ask because I do a LOT of fishing in shallow lakes.... two of them are less than 10 feet deep at their deepest. Thanks
  16. It was a great year fro me... started targeting bass for the first time.... got a 6lb smallie and a couple of 5 lb largies. However,, i think my bass fishin has messed up my trout fishin nothing to speak of yet .
  17. my point exactly.... what do you "want" for fishing..... gotta be something Lew..... nobody EVER has EVERYTHING for fishing.... I am just realizing that and I have only be at it 3 years now.... it's almost as bad as my golf obsession was...lol
  18. I just forwarded that to "Santa".... now the question is... WHY do I want that particular one? ie,.. what features make it a good choice for me... thanks bro
  19. Trying to keep this for fishing related stuff only please.
  20. As I do a little researching on this topic, some of the fishfinders seem to put an emphasis on the "wider fish detection coverage"... ie 45 degrees to 90 degrees etc. Others talk about readability in sunlight , power at different depths etc... In a portable model what should I be looking for? How much should I expect to spend for a reasonable unit? I mainly fish rivers and smaller lakes with depths ranging from 1-25 ft ( I think). Thanks Splashhopper
  21. If i read the regs right, I can try fishing for Pike in zone 16 until the end of the year,, So, with the colder water temps, are the pike active and what type of cover are they looking for when the weed beds have died off in the RIVERS? What type of bait should I be using? Ie: live( types ?) or lures ( types and how) Thanks Splashhopper
  22. you are already there.... dohhhhhhh.. stop derailing the topic of the thread please lol
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