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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. yeah, coppers in the US have no sense of humour...no professional courtesy either lol..... tried talking to Erie County's finest and they needed a proctologist to lose their attitude lol


    It's funny with all the rules in the HTA, car manufacturers push the limits with EVERYTHING. The navigation systems mounted in the dashboards can lead people to a $110 fine....same with "factory" tints...a lot of them are too dark too.... I think both th Manu's and drivers should be responsible. But all in all, the proposed cell phone laws are for safety. It's the same thing with seat belts. It drives me crazy when I see people driving with no seat belt. It's just common knowledge.

  2. Is he planning on banning the laptops in police cars also then?


    OR Ambulances, OR Firetrucks.....


    Technically ally screens such as GPS, DVD players etc in the front of the car are against the Highway Traffic Act...taking away the MDT in a police car is like getting rid of our radio....integral tool.


    Geez...and why do people think we have quotas....we don't, and if you get a ticket then you most likely deserved it. and no reckless driving charge...that's american. It's careless in Ontario


    I'm not sayin that the system is perfect, but there's reasoning behind all the madness. Remember, seatbelts used to be optional and now we know that seatbelts save lives. What the problem is...is when people get to court. Nothing sticks anymore. I recently picked up someone on Impaired driving who was already charged with it and waiting for sentencing.....and what did he get??? Pled to careless, $600 fine and a suspended licence for 6 months...where's the justice? This is why it's frustrating, but we have to work with what we have

  3. I usually buy by feathers at my local tackle shop or craft store but a coworker mentioned that her father hunts turkey and pheasants deer....pretty much what ever moves. I asked her for some turkey feathers and pheasant tails. Do any of you guys harvest your own material? My main question is do I have to cure them in some way to get rid of the germs/bacteria? If so, how?

    Also, is maribou from a turkey?



    Maribou is the fine belly feathers of a turkey

  4. So...just made this and it's awesome....


    2 Tuna Steaks


    Cut up one tomato, one pear, half a cucumber and mix with one can of manderin oranges and mix together in a bowl


    marinade the tuna steaks in soy sauce for a few hours and sprinkle on some garlic.


    then oil up a small area of a piece of tin foil then place the tuna steak on top. then add the fruit mix. cover up the entire thing with the tin foil and place on the bbq for about 20 minutes....


    mmmm it was so good.

  5. If you are going to send officers out to bust potential street racers, at least train them properly.


    It was a very bizarre situation, maybe one of the officers here can shed light on this "street racing prevention division"?


    the whole thing seemed kinda fishy to me.


    Dude.....watch what you're saying....there are over 400 someodd laws in the Highway traffic act. It's hard for anyone who isn't enforcing it day in and day out to understand how several laws get misinterpreted because you don't use them everyday. The new stunt driving legislation has basically become a learn as you go thing because people who aren't fresh out of police college get a sheet of paper with the new act on it saying remember all of this......the criminal code is the same way...



    anyway, our project ERASE team do an awesome job. The guys heading it up are former MTO safety inspectors and are doing their best. street racing is a plague....those who modify their cars to the point where they make themselves a heat score can deny being a part of it but you are. If you watch, you're just as likely to die as the guys doing it. I've seen it, and it's been in the papers. IF you don't believe me hang out at the following places in the city of Vaughan - 7 x woodstream, major mac x jane, keele x rutherford and anywhere on highway 7 from bayview to dufferin and you'll realize that not only do these guys race, a large majority of them are driving impaired by drugs. There is no excuse for adding illegal after market parts to your car to make it go faster and the fact of the matter is, those who do, don't understand that a honda civic can't be handled safely and isn't designed for 250hp....oh and by the way the cars that the modify basically disintegrate on impact...and civic hatch backs have a tendency to split in half on impact


    oh and by the way, most tickets that are written are lost...not because the officers don't write the proper tickets, it's because the JPs can't interpret the HTA properly....and most side with the driver anyway


    i'm done...night shift was long and people are frustrating lol

  6. That's correct, the police can issue as many tickets as they wish.




    HAHAHA i like that....i usually say yeah, i'm 2 away from the toaster....lol


    Your right. There are NO quotas for municiple forces. I was told by the local O Dots that they have to get a minimum of 2 per block......


    For us we set goals and try to achieve them.....



    As for the stunt driving law....50 over is only 1/20th of that law..... along with drifting, donuts, race on a bet along w/ 4 other types of racing, jumping the light, driving with someone in the trunk, lifting one or more wheels off the road way, weaving in and out of traffic, bumper tag, chasing someone etc etc... all are 7 day suspensions, 7 day impounds, and a fine STARTING AT $10,000....


    mind you 99% of 50+ get pled down to 49 over


    The worst part is that the majority of people I pull over have the worst excuses...i'm late for work, i'm late to pick up my kids etc....if you're late, leave earlier don't push your car

  7. yup, the system isn't perfect but it's all we have to work with.......


    and that trick won't work at all....the best way to get out of a ticket is not get one at all....don't speed and stop for stop signs and lights lol


    i wrote 23 today and none were chincy...everyone was going 25+ km's over the limit....still looking for my first stunt driver.....

  8. Thanks for the kind words guys. I will definitely pass out the information once I start getting things planned. Right now i'm putting together the paper work for the CCS.


    When I start getting things together, i'll really need help putting together a basic webpage to advertise my event. As well, I know there are a lot of guides on here and if they would be interested in donating a day of fishing or half a day or whatever they can for my live and silent auction that would be great. I'm going to be getting into contact with numerous "celebrities" including Bob Izumi and Dave Mercer.


    Thanks again guys and gals



  9. And why do you think more and more people are stealing gas???? I did 2 theft of gas calls at the same station last night...both within 10 minutes of each other. No one can afford the redonkulous prices.....i have to move or transfer because I can't afford to drive to work. 2 fill ups a block (4 shifts) = $100 x 3 blocks a month.....is more blinkin money than I spend on my car payment and insurance combined!

  10. Greetings gentlemen,


    As you know, cancer is a terrible disease and has touched so many recently here on the board, and throughout our lives. I personally have lost several family members to cancer, including my cousin who lost her battle with leukemia at 18. This is why I'm giving back. I have always wanted to donate my time to a worthy cause and since my father's battle with cancer and the battle some of my co workers have lost, including an incredible person who trained me when I was a recruit.


    I have no details right now as I'm in the beginning stages of putting together an event to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society. Initially I was planning on running the event under the Cops for Cancer program that is a fundraising effort by police officers across the country to raise money for the CCS, however, I have submitted a proposal for my executive command team - ie the Chief of Police, however, the chances of it being approved sometime this year is very slim. So I'm going ahead and losing the Cops for Cancer program in hopes that I can still raise money for the CCS.


    I'm not here to spam, I'm here reaching out to the very generous, thoughtful group that I have known for the last three years.


    I know that a lot of you work for small and large companies, so I'm not looking for monitary donations. I'm wondering if anyone is able to donate items that can be auctioned off in a live and silent auction. Please let me know if you can contribute to my event. PM me if you would like to, or if you would even like to volunteer.


    Right now as it stands the event will probably take place in late May early June and will be a gala event. Fundraising will be through corporate donations, live and silent auctions as well as ticket sales. The venue hasn't been chosen yet, however it will be within the York Region, most likely somewhere in Vaughan or at our association building in Newmarket. As well, there will be special guests including former Olympians, NHL players as well as other sports figures and television and radio personalities. No one is set in stone and I'm slowly building a guest list.


    Please, if you have anything negative to say, please contact me through PMs. Again, if you feel this is spam then I truly apologize.





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