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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. No big deal. :huh: Just want to make sure that it is understood. Tires with poor or faulty construction will cause a pull with no perceptible wear. It happens often with brand new tires. We find this happens often when switching summer to winter tires or vice-versa. Switch the front tires to see if the pull goes the other way. Yes you can tell a lot of how the alignment is on a vehicle by observing tire wear. In this case it can make the situation a little more difficult because the work was done in 2 shops. Where were the tires before? This is another good reason to stick with a good shop. They can keep track of your vehicle history and make recommended repair and maintainence much easier.



    Well, i'm taking it to the dealership on Monday. I figured that since there are VERY few mechanics in my area that have the proper equipment (i called around) and i wasn't going to Midas or CTC. Anyway, I figured that the place that I bought the car would be good enough since they've fixed it before. The tires that I have on my car were a gift, but are well worn and i'm not going to be doing much driving until they are replaced lol...anyway thanks for the advice.



  2. This happens quite often. A tire or tires is the culprit here. It generally happens with less expensive tires but not always.

    When a tire is rotated it sometimes will put a tire on the steering axle (which also supports the most weight) that isn't true to the road. What I mean by that one side of the tire is pushing to the other. This will make your car drift left or right. It would not have been so noticeable on the rear axle which carries less load. An alignment isn't the problem, the tires are. If you try to align to correct a tire pull the next time you swap your tires it will pull again. This is why we take a car for a road test before and after every alignment. We see this happen with tires approximately in 20% of vehicles that come in for an alignment.


    so if i end up getting new tires i'll need an alignment done again??

  3. FnA... just take it to where you guys take the cop cars... do police stations have their own mechanics anymore? if not find out where they take em..




    I would, but i've been trying to get my car in on a weekday that I work...i haven't worked a weekday in months....my schedule has been day shifts on the weekend and nights during the week....anyway, i can't wait any longer and i have to grab tires too...lol...what can i say, i'm a procrastinator!

  4. Hey all,


    I called around to a bunch of places in my area and very few have the right equipement to do an alignment...so my choices are the dealership and get hosed...or Midas....


    I'm wondering if there are any mechanics on the board with the right equipment that can help me out?





  5. Its a miracle, bad drivers come in all ages, races and sexes. Who'da thunk it?


    Thanks, makes sense and I believe the 50 over thing. Some kids definately have the need for speed but before all the older folks judge us younger ones...I bet you guys went alot faster! B)

    I just wish someone would give me a chance to prove myself thats all. Ive been on the road for three years this December with the cleanest record on the books and I am still dangerous. Just doesnt make sense to me.


    Kemper don't worry, I think the majority of us under 30 have gone throught what you're going through.


    Remember, when I bought my new car (i was 24)....i paid $312 a month for my car and $308 for the insurance. Keep it up and the problems go away



    FishNautographs, I assume you are a police officer? I have an honest question for you, since you are the one that has to go to the scene of the accidents and chase down the dangerous driver do you think that most young drivers are more dangerous than older drivers? The answer I am guessing is yes, (at least I hope it is yes or I am REALLY getting screwed on my insurance) BUT does it seem to you that we (young drivers) are as much of a danger as the insurance companies and government think we are?


    I wont be offended by any answer, I am just trying to figure out why I am not allowed to own a car. Because essentially that is what a $4000 insurance premium does to me. My parents aren't millionaires and didn't buy me a car and pay the insurance for my birthday, nor would I expect them to so what these laws and insurance numbers do to me is ban me from owning a car and keep my off the road.


    I honestly can't answer that because bad drivers come in all ages, races, and both sexes.....


    I wish I could answer that, but in terms of speeders, I think our stats was 85% of 50 overs were under 25....the ones my friends and I have caught are between 17-20 driving moms car and they think its okay doing 110 in a 60....

  7. How about we just keep the kids from Driving till they are 21... that's the next step ya know.. all the lawmakers know how to do is make laws...




    Whats gonna happen, your 20 year old son gets pulled over with two buddies and one of them doesnt have his wallet... what.. does he get hauled to the copshop cause they dont know how old he is.... stupid stupid law...


    Hey TJ, don't worry, I wouldn't arrest him for that...i'd just give him a Fail to surrender drivers licence...under the HTA a driver can verbally identify himself......


    And as for the age limit...remember in Germany it takes something like 7 years to get your licence...

  8. The funny thing is, is that if you're charged with impaired you licence is DISQUALIFIED not SUSPENDED....and it's DISQUALIFIED for 90 DAYS....if you're convicted of impaired you face a minimum of 1 year licence DISQUALIFICATION and if you're caught driving during this time your car is IMPOUNDED FOR 45 DAYS not 7.....hmmmm


    For the young drivers, there may be many who are great drivers, but I routinely catch G2 drivers who just got their licence driving 25-40 KM/ph over the speed limit...with no excuse...it drives me nuts they should know better.


    As for the BAC....young drivers who are still in graduated licencing cannot have and alcohol in their blood...it's a 60 day licence suspension.....and ANYONE who blows between .05 and .08 gets a 12 hour licence suspension which is going to be changed to a 3 day suspension soon


    I can understand why they using the no passengers thing...but honestly cut it down for the first year you have your G2....young drivers are very distractable but it's a little rediculous IMHO

  9. Hey all, I had another question for the hunters on the board. I've never really used a bow before (other than archery at summer camp), and I'm used to handling a shotgun at work but i don't necessarily like using it, but I'm wondering which do you prefer to hunt with? Is one better than the other? Are there benefits to using one over the other?


    Any info would be appreciated.





  10. Hey guys,


    I'm just wondering if there are any bow hunters on here. I'm interested in getting into hunting, but i'm not sure how to start. I know that it's not the same as fishing where you grab a rod and head towards water. Any info would help....I'm leaning towards a crossbow but not sure even how to hunt.





  11. I had an uncle that was wounded in the Battle of the Bulge during WWII. Never talked about it much and I often regret asking him to share his stories. He's long gone now, so I really missed out on something there .. I'm sure. I'm sure our veterans could tell some reall horror stories about their experiences. Give our veterans all the honor and glory they so richly deserve.


    Yeah, I totally understand. My grandfather never spoke of it...and honestly i think he suffered from "shell shock" because he showed a lot of the signs of it, or at least from the stories my father told me.


    My great uncle never talked about it either, but he never saw action. He was a RCAF dispatcher in India.

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