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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Brian the table is made out of 100 year old spruce reclaimed from an old steel works in Cambridge
  2. Hey all, I've started my own business making rustic furniture. Here are some of my finished tables and other items If you are on Facebook you can follow me at Home Plate Rustic Creations
  3. It's because it's York region and no one gets convicted there
  4. Um... Unfortunately your friend is wrong. If you are convicted of the speed your were travelling or 16kmph or higher above the speed limit then yes you would receive points. If you plead to 15kmpj over or under that speed then you receive no points. That being said, insurance companies look at convictions not points
  5. If you get it dropped to 15 over there is no points
  6. what the CBC was talking about was the antiquated RCMP equipment. There's nothing wrong with the OPPs equipment. Make a phone call and book a first appearance date with the crown. Plea to 15 over.
  7. No it wasn't murder, the first shooting was justified.
  8. And a simple production order (warrant) will get subscriber info and you got the guy. Unless it's a throw away. Smdh.
  9. Just an FYI don't grab a knife. You never know if a guy is trained to use it. I tell my wife to grab a casserole dish, the big heavy glass ones. One shot to the noggin and he's down. Sorry about your experience Miami. It pisses me off to no end when coppers show up and not give you the time of day for something legitimate
  10. Yeah, but it's not like what you see on TV. Usually takes an hour or more for them to show up I think I've been involved three or four times. Each time I was standing in the back yard helping to contain the property
  11. Just remember that use of force is never pretty. Regardless of how justified the force is. The guy was mentally ill. He initially went into a Walmart with the loaded rifle and started shooting in the air. He then went out and began shooting in an industrial area and a residential area. He was firing at houses etc
  12. And there is no safe distance when someone has a rifle. A handgun is only effective within 25-30 feet. A rifle is 100-200 yards
  13. Non fatally shot? Really.... Any shot is taken to stop the threat, hence fatal shot. He's not getting one in the leg or arm and look what the back stop would be, someone's house. So if you're comfortable taking a shot that could enter someone's house and kill their child go ahead.
  14. Yeah they took out a guy who was running around a residential area and had fired off over 100 rounds with an AK47
  15. I got the call today but I didn't answer it. I was too busy
  16. Because if they made cars harder to steal then you wouldn't be forced to buy a new one when its gone. The same reason Toyota hasn't changed its anti theft in 10 years
  17. More like a baby's arm holding an apple
  18. Castration would work better
  19. Don't get me wrong, if I get my hands on the guy I'd drag him out of my car. But I'm not going to risk my life for something I'm paying way too much for lol
  20. Like I said before, vehicles and property can be replaced, lives can't. If your life or your family's lives are in danger then use as much force as necessary to repel the threat. There's no way in our country nowadays that shooting a guy for stealing your car is justified. Having your car stolen sucks but it beats 2-3 years in a trial and your whole life torn apart
  21. A vest won't stop a rifle round
  22. gangbangers get more of a fair and impartial trial. The public had forcillo guilty before the trial even started regardless what evidence came out in the trial. The appellant court will over turn the decision.
  23. We are booked for 4 days in PEI as well. We booked a condo in the heart of old Charlottetown
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