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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. I bought my crossbars at Sail for $115
  2. Doubt it... GM had recalls and errors that killed people. This is nothing
  3. I got one... Wish I hadn't the gas mileage and the oil change savings doesn't save me much money when the regular maintenance cost is astronomical
  4. I guarantee racking and pointing an empty shotgun will be enough to scare the crap out of an intruder. I don't recommend arming yourself with a knife unless you're trained with using them. They can quickly because a weapon against you. I suggest a bat. What I suggest to the wife and female friends is he heaviest Pyrex bowl or casserole dish they can swing. Smack that over a persons head its game over.
  5. Hahaha.... I'll look forward to the Hazmat call lol
  6. Tulo has a small crack in his left shoulder blade and is being watched
  7. Tex is out for the season! Cmon jays!
  8. The gentleman passed away in the hospital
  9. I wouldn't go that far lol. Mickey was a star from day one. EE was a bust up until two or three years ago
  10. Sir, officer, constable that all works.... Just not hey buddy... Can't stand that lok
  11. They should cut the season back to 156 games and have 16 teams in the play offs. Top two from each division plus 2 wild cards. First round best if three second round best of five and the last two best of seven
  12. Nope it's just Dave or FnA
  13. I have the MLB TV package so I can literally watch baseball all day from April to November
  14. One of the things that makes baseball so great is that it's not bound by a clock. Everyone gets 27 outs and it's the only sport where the defence gets the ball.
  15. You get one challenge a game. If you're successful and the call is over turned you don't lose it. If you're unsuccessful then you lose the challenge. Similar to the NFL
  16. Hahaha nope but making you walk a straight line might be fun!!!
  17. No way I'd like 4 hr games... Makes the night shift more entertaining
  18. More like tiger balm and coffee I'm getting old lol
  19. I was falling asleep in the 8th inning when the Rangers had a man in first and second with one out. I turned the game off thinking it was over and got a pleasant surprise when I woke up this morning!
  20. Yup nothing wrong with filling in a guy if you catch him, just use some discretion because there's a fine line between defending your property and assaulting someone. If he gives up stop hitting him lol
  21. Yes he can defend his property There's a fine line though. If your life isn't in danger don't shoot. I personally wouldn't shoot someone in my house unless my life was truly in danger. I wouldn't shoot someone who was stealing my boat either, I'd kick his a$$ but I wouldn't shoot him.
  22. You also have to understand that a property crime not in progress is not a high priority. I know that for me sometimes we've been so busy it's impossible to get to certain calls. Those coppers catching speeders could have been a traffic unit and that's all they do. In the case of small town services that have 5 cops on the road at one time and a domestic comes in then you have at least two officers off the road to deal with higher priority calls so it's hard to get to everyone that needs service
  23. What I suggest for everyone to do is look up crime prevention through environmental design. CPTED is the study of how you can make your home/property, vehicles less of a target. Your local police service may have a trained officer. I'm not sure about the OPP
  24. You have the right to use force that is deemed reasonable to remove someone from your property as necessary. You have to ensure you tell the police you told him to leave. After he refuses the. You can throw him out. Hence the reason it's legal for bouncers to toss you hard out of bars. Just remember this isn't Texas and you can shoot him. No warning shots either.
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