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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. These two individuals were following the orders put out by ISIS a month ago telling all supporters to attack military, politicians and first responders. They may have acted alone, but the idea of a massive attack is no longer a popular form of terrorism now. We can expect more and more lone wolf attacks. There were 3 attacks in 4 days, Quebec, Ottawa and NYC. All three people responsible are extremist supporters. It's more than just a coincidence


    In terms of race, it's not an issue anymore. We have one white, one black and one middle eastern.... An ISIS is operating out of Mexico too so we will see Hispanic as well. Lone wolfs are hard to spot, especially when they are converts


    And again I think the lack of info in the Quebec incident is because of the on going investigation. The issue in Ottawa is covered by the RCMP, they have dofferent rules. Quebec operates under their own version of the SIU so I think that has something to do with it.


    I also think the attack in Ottawa is getting more coverage because it happened in Ottawa and the suspect stormed parliament. In comparison the pentagon attacks and the flight downed in Pennsylvania got less coverage than the planes that hit the towers. The media goes with the more popular story. Whatever makes them more money

  2. The reason the shootings in Ottawa seem to be getting so much attention comparatively to what happened in Quebec can probably be explained, by the fact that EVERY news corp has staff in Ottawa.


    As for the police officer not being named in Quebec that might be his choice or his superiors choice as he\they might be worried what some other nutbar will do to his family, if his name got out?


    I think it has to do with the external investigation of the police shooting

  3. Sucks I've had my car broken in to as well, they didn't get anything thought.


    These punks get caught and charged and they are out in days or weeks. No lesson learned.


    FYI you were a victim of theft not robbery. Robbery is theft with violence.

  4. If the cramping is in your calf head to see your doctor. If you're standing or sitting for long periods you could be developing blood clots in your calfs. I had a scare with that earlier this year and was diagnosed with venous reflux disease in my left leg. I now have cramps that can get bad like I've been stabbed with a hot poker. I now have to wear compression socks


    You'd think that the police would be using crash data more often along with phone records, to see if the driver is lying or not.

    The crash data that's stored in the vehicle's computer(s) would give you guys a mlli-second by mili second snap shots of what happened before, during and after. Things like throttle position, brakes applied or not, transmission gear, engine load ect. A whole lot of info that there's no way they could lye and not get caught in it.

    Or is the warrant that hard to get?

    I know we in the trade supposedly don't have access to this data; wish we could. It would stop people saying, my little Johnny said that the engine just started to make this noise for no reason. Plug in and be able to ask little Johnny why the speed was 140, engine rpm was bouncing off of 7 grand; but the brakes were applied. Honest dad I don't even know what a burn out is. LOL



    We have that too but I'm not sure if a warrant is needed to retrieve the info.


    As far as I know it's mostly used in fatal collisions.

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