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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. CN Buckner is by far the worst MLB umpire and has been for years. The warning in the first inning was justified because the Orioles have been throwing at Jose all season and I understand Gibbons anger but to toss Osuna at that moment wasn't the right call. No one in their right mind would load the bases for a guy that's hit 100 home runs in 2 seasons..... Smh

  2. Marijuana prohibition (and by extension all prohibitionist policy) comes down to one simple issue. Freedom. It is no one's business if I smoke a little at home after a hard day's work. Just as it's not my business to tell anyone else how to live. We have a sovereign and inalienable right to freedom, and that right must not be infringed unless it can be shown that the exercise of that right infringes on someone else's freedom. End of discussion. For me personally, this is about weed. For others, it's about sexuality. For others still, it is about their right to practice their religion.

    I have voted Conservative all my life, sometimes while holding my nose. I can't do it anymore. Not when this government believes that it knows best how I should live my life. Further, this government is demonstrably corrupt on this issue. The only people who have been approved to grow medical marijuana are politically connected insiders.

    There are a number of traditional arguments put forward by the prohibitionists:

    * Marijuana kills brain cells

    FALSE. This contention is based on a study done with monkeys in the 60's. A study paid for by people who wanted MJ illegal. The researchers fought for decades to keep their data from peer review. They eventually lost, and once reviewed, the study's conclusions were debunked. The monkeys were fed MJ smoke through gas masks, without supplemental oxygen, until they suffocated to death. Of course they were going to have dead brain cells upon autopsy, they were suffocated to death!

    * Marijuana causes cancer

    FALSE. The largest and longest study of its kind was done by Dr. Donald Tashkin, professor of medicine at UCLA. after studying thousands of users for 20 years, he concluded that MJ did not cause cancer. In fact, there was a very slight reduction in the rate of cancer versus the control group.

    * Marijuana is addictive

    FALSE. There are two components to addiction, physical withdrawal and habit strength. MJ does not cause physical withdrawal. Also, note the hypocrisy; if we ban things for being addictive, why do we allow the sale of alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and sugar?

    I will acknowledge one potentially harmful aspect of MJ use, and that is that when used regularly by young people, it can lead to an early onset of schizophrenia. It is important to be very clear here though. Schizophrenia is largely hereditary and physiological in nature. MJ cannot cause schizophrenia. It can only advance the onset in people who were going to get it anyways. And no one that I know is advocating its use by minors. Which leads to the next fallacy....

    * Legalization will make it more accessible to kids.

    FALSE. MJ is already in wide use by teens in Canada. Prohibition has failed to stop this. The best place to get it is probably a high school, and many teens say it is easier to get than alcohol. The notion that controlling it like beer or cigarettes will make it easier for kids to get is simply untrue.

    * Marijuana supports criminal gangs.

    TRUE. But ONLY by virtue of being illegal. MJ is not very difficult to grow if you know what you are doing. It should be no more valuable than tomatoes, but because we spend billions to constrain the supply, we artificially inflate its value. Making it legal and cheap (by not taxing it so hard that it retains its prohibition era value) makes it an unattractive commodity for organized crime.

    Stephen Harper, by way of his willingness to put his personal and/or religious dogma ahead of science, had lost the moral authority on this issue. I for one will not be able to hold my nose and vote for him again.


    Actually recent studies have shown that marihuana damages short and long term memory and significantly effects developing brains of young adults. Pot is not harmless. Especially today's hydroponically grown marihuana which is genetically modified to produce a THC content of close to and over 24%.

  3. Hey all,


    We are looking to put in a new central air system in my new build home. In terms of brands, every company preaches their own brand whether it be carrier, train, Bryant etc.. But every brand has horrible reviews on consumer reports etc. I know you have to take reviews with a grain of salt but if I'm dropping that kind of money i would like to buy a decent air conditioner. Right now im looking at a Carrier comfort 16 2.5 ton. Anyone have any experience with this unit?


    Because of the bear shooting Dave ?

    Yup. A million problems in the world and the community and they are upset about a bear.... Not the increasing domestic violence or drugs or gang violence... But a bear

  5. I just don't get it,no one has a phone?,no conversation, I don't believe for a minute that there was some kind of a timeline from the MNR.Short of staff I get it.No one as of this morning has come out and said why they could not wait longer and mnr for there lack of no show.Just sayin .

    According to the dispatchers they were calling non stop and getting "we are on the way" but no ETA was given

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