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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. MNR was called 48 hours before the bear was shot and they wouldn't come out. Yrp called animal control, u of Guelph, Toronto zoo and several other services with no help. The bear was up a tree not far from a school and everyone and their kids ran out of the house to watch the bear.


    MNR was called again, and they took 2 hrs to respond


    Scared and confused bears can turn violent pretty quickly. Had the bear turned on a child in the area then police would have had to answer why the bear wasn't put down. Damned if you do, damned if you don't


    Always easy to armchair quarterback net minder especially after the MNR a was called several times and they never showed up. Actually they showed up ten minutes after the shooting. The blame should be placed on the MNR. They never show up when they are needed. I have called for them numerous times in 8 yrs and they've showdd up once

  2. Well, that's easy ... have you ever seen the Cop Union in action?


    You basically can't get fired from being a cop....Hamilton police are an example of that....


    If you don't give out as many tickets as a peer, you sure as hell aren't getting fired....

    No but your career is going no where.... Like everywhere else there are guys that don't work hard, but for some guys the only way up is to work hard and ticket numbers count


    And honestly if you don't work you can be charged with neglect of duty which kills any chance for you to be an investigator or considered an expert in court



    And the majority of cops use the union not for protection from getting fired but from false complaints, OPIRD investigations and over zealous command staff

  3. Lol


    Ill ask only cause I know them.


    Im pretty sure if you asked they would have to provide said info, could be wrong on that though

    No you're right, they carry everything except for a firearms license. The Police Service Act and Criminal Code exempts us from having a license as long as we can pass the initial training and the yearly requalification

  4. Here's my opinion on the investment, you'll have to wait, most services in Ontario don't even have dash cams. The cost is enormous. I believe that a fleet of cameras and storage and hardware for a fleet was around 4 million if I can remember right

  5. Actually it was edited for a spelling mistake but that's okay.


    I don't need to edit my actions. Contrary to popular belief not all cops run around violating peoples rights and doing what they want.


    You cite one incident. I didn't say I support it or anything on it. But to throw an entire profession under the bus for something that didn't even occur in Canada is rediculous.

    I had contact with thousands of people in thousands of different situations and not one complaint or investigation against me. Nor have I ever witnessed any wrong doing.


    The media sensationalizes these few incidents and then suddenly everything police do is wrong.


    Take the shooting in Kitchener last week. Waterloo Region has had 3 fatal police shootings in 40 years and suddenly there's nothing but police brutality?? Give me a break.

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