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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Armed conflicts in the GTa and running into armed offenders happens more than you realize and more than the media releases. I'd rather be prepared with the equipment for a once in a blue moon incident than attend a police funeral because the proper equipment wasn't there.


    So you would rather have a call out to part time soldiers who may live an hour or more away to deal with a situation occurring than well trained ERU or "SWAT" officers who are better trained and train more often than reservists?

  2. Those armoured vehicles aren't free. I know YRP and London had to pay for them.


    They are used for specific reasons and not for a police state. If you think that then give your head a shake. Those armoured vehicles are used to avoid what has happened with heavy armed people fleeing from police. I know London was te first to get theirs because of an incident involving a high speed chase with bandits armed with AK47s. Contrary to popular believe a rifle round will go through a cop car like a knife through warm butter.


    They use as much gas as a transport truck and aren't driven on an everyday basis.

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