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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. It's already been a great weekend. My brother and I took my dad to the Blue Jay game for his first game since 2005. In fact, it was the first time since all three if us had been at a game together since 1993. The smile never left my old mans face and that meant a lot to me.


    While I was gone my oldest daughter who is now 7 went to get her hair cut for the first time and decided to donate her hair! Boy was I proud!


    In the morning I'm going out for bass on the fly for the first time in 2 years

  2. To be convicted the person has to provide evidence that proves the offence took place....


    For example. A a motor vehicle collision the majority of the time police aren't present at the time of the event, so the info provided by the drivers and or witnesses has to so cover all of the main points of the offence (not the word I'm looking for, brain isn't working after a 14 hr shift)


    And yes it's a wonderful system we have and it's always one persons word against another. That's basically what happens in the criminal offences too

  3. You can be charged with a provincial offence on witness information.


    Things like the liquor license act, environmental protection act and the children an family services act are mostly enforced based on third party information.


    I'm not sure about the acts surrounding boating because I'm not trained in that aspect.

  4. All alarm companies have their flaws. I grew up in security and I can tell you that you get what you pay for. That being said, this is the second time rogers is attempting to have their own home alarm systems. The first go around was a epic fail lol. I don't know what it's like now. Alarm force also provides the smart home monitoring

  5. Hey guys,


    I'm looking to buy a mountain bike. I haven't bought a bike since I was 12 and with my recent health issue my usual Crossfit and jogging work outs are too much for my leg so biking would be less of an impact.


    I have no idea what I'm looking for when buying a bike so any advice would be great!


    Thanks in advance



  6. Contact the OPP officer when he is in. Often times the dumb dumbs walk into the front desk and say I wanna report an accident. They tell their story and then we are stuck getting in contact with the other driver who usually has a completely different story. No one ends up getting charged because a) the collision is on private property and the highway traffic act doesn't apply and B) an officer didn't attend.


    The reason why we don't release info like that over the phone is because of privacy laws. The freedom of information act allows you to apply toget that report. Which basically means you take te incident number to their collision centre etc and you get a copy.


    The cop that took the report should have told the scammers to pound salt because you guys entered into a civil agreement.

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