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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. Every incident involving a police officer where force is used is reviewed. They are held accountable and have a system to curtail erratic behavior thru fines and penalties that can include criminal prosecution what more do you want? Sure they don't publish the results in the paper because it would undermine the polices image and most people would consider it boring.



    In a fire fight the US military teaches us to aim for a target and if one is not visible to fire in the direction of the last known location to keep them from popping up and shooting back. While it cost a little more in ammo it has saved countless lives. Besides WE all love the smell of cordite in the morning. lol





    If the public only knew lol....6 hours for scratching a cruiser, 36 hours for an inappropriate comment, loss of job because of a false allegation by a crazy ex wife....

  2. Haven't you guys all seen robocop... Judge Dred... or so many others. Oh yah they are movies right? Well the reality is as long as there is a person behind a badge there is a chance of that person being just as mental as a person behind a butter knife. Its part of the risk. Now in reality yah this was not a good situation and the offender will and should face life in prison. IMO police shoudl be held accountable no different than the public would be. In fact maybe more strictly. Why? Not because I hate police that isn't the case. It's becase they signed up of there own free will to do a job and protect the public versus kill the public or take bribes, or play favorites, or discriminate. You pull your gun and jackhammer the trigger you should be held accountable. Of course I dont know the full story and non of the public will likely know the full story. Thats what the courts are for and thats where this should end.

    Ummm..... We are, not everything is released to the public. We are so heavily scrutinized that it would drive the average person a little nuts not just by the public but our bosses are out to nail us for anything. In fact, the amount of discipline that's handed out is a promotional requirement as of late.

  3. I don't want to see cops getting killed either. But they all know what can happen when they sign up. If you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen. If you want to act like soldiers then join the D.N.D. All this will do is make the bad guys get bigger weapons like R.P.G's it never ends.

    Who's acting like a soldier? The armoured vehicles aren't driven daily like cruisers. They're used in emergency situations. No one but ERU and K9 wear tactical uniforms. So I don't see anyone playing GI Joe

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