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fishing n autograph

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Posts posted by fishing n autograph

  1. i'm glad the media is showing true video's...whether that be their own, or a by standards cell video.


    we all just finished watching cops murdering, then planting evidence on a dead body (after hand cuffing the dead body), then having all the blue bloods lie on their reports to cover up for their fellow blue blood.


    we didn't get video of Michael Browns murder....if we did, lots of protest would have been avoided, and Darren Wilson would be in jail.


    cops and government place CCTV camera's all over the place, all in the name of public safety.


    its time to start following the cops with cctv... all in the name of public safety.


    how many times have we heard "don't worry, if you don't have anything to hide, then you shouldn't worry about the cops...."


    now we get to say the same thing to them.... "don't worry mr copper, if you don't have anything to hide, you shouldn't have anything to worry about..."


    irony at its finest.


    Big Brother was once watching us.


    Now Little Brother is watching everyone.

    And for that, I feel safer.

    Planting evidence? You've been subscribing to freethought project and cop block.


    Mike Brown was a violent felon who robbed a store, attacked a cop and tried to take his sidearm. Not only did witness evidence state that so did forensic science. He was cleared three times but the witch hunt couldn't indict.


    You my friend need to stay off the internet because not everything you read is real

  2. With everybody having smart phones now, it's almost daily on the news there's a new video of cops shooting or beating somebody unjustly. The Cali horse thief most recently.



    Being a police person is a tough job, but as a guy getting his news from the media, I think there's a real problem here.


    edit- I think the body cams will be a waste of my tax dollars because the police won't release the incriminating stuff because they protect their own

    Just like the media portrays the truth all the time. Media fans the flames all the time and sensationalized everything and always puts the negative slant on everything. Thousands of cops have positive interactions every day and not one word.

  3. It's really hard to gauge how a prospect will turn out. Case in point - Yan Gomes, no one would have guessed he would turn into one of the best catchers in baseball. On the other hand look at Corey Patterson (late 90s with the Cubs) was touted as the next Ken Griffey Jr. ended up being not so good, became a back up outfielder

  4. They dont need to have cookie cutter builds, I didnt mention anything about his physical characteristics. But certain positions need to be complimented with certain areas of expertise.


    Lawrie's bat, speed and arm were best suited for a 2nd baseman. Thats where he will shine, but only he if he doesnt strike out as much as he does. Every position on the field has a predetermined set of skills needed to place the correct player in each spot. There are exceptions, but reserved for only the exceptional player.


    IMO, Lawrie should not be in the majors. He reminds me of a guy I played with when I was younger, Scott Thorman. Drafted number 1 by the Braves. A true Giant at his age, with pure talent. Unfortunately, the Braves brought him up too quickly because they invested so much money into him that they needed him to pay back on their investment, and in the end, he did not perform.

    He ended up playing in Pittsburgh, Taiwan and the Intercounty league where his attitude finally matured and he wasn't a prick. He's now coaching low A ball in the Kansas City Organization

  5. so basically none of the prospects they got for Halladay stayed with the team, they traded one for Dickey, the other for another minor leaguer who we then traded for Gose, which they traded for Travis.

    No they picked up Devon Travis their second baseman of the future for Gose who came out of the Halladay deal. Unfortunately AA was put in a position and got what he could. It's not the worst trade ever though

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