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fishing n autograph

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Everything posted by fishing n autograph

  1. My carpool and I paddle a canoe down the 401 this morning lol
  2. Hey all, I just wanted to make you guys aware of a few things, especially those in the GTA. There an increase in battery thefts from larger trucks - box trucks, transports etc. and large construction equipment. There is also a lot of propane tanks being stolen from forklifts and trailers. Just be mindful of where your equipment is parked etc. I know these batteries can be expensive and I'd hate for anyone to have to replace them. Take care
  3. MLB should be embarrassed by All the fox screw ups. Saying that the royals win when Cain crossed the plate in the 8th inning and having that image pop up. Brutal
  4. You should see halladay's boat... It's amazing
  5. Taser isn't used for that. Why immobilize a wounded animal?
  6. Anything is possible but I'd be more concerned about fragmentation and possibly hitting the civilian onlookers
  7. The bullpen is done....
  8. Then you get a mets fan beaten unconscious by dodger fans on Monday. It's everywhere in every sport
  9. Read his book. It's even more in depth, he's probably one of the more interesting current ball players
  10. The team gets real fired up when he pitches because of his intensity and positive hard working attitude
  11. My response to the whole Dickie thing is... Who cares they won. It was do or die, why let them up off the mat? Secondly he had a man on and choo and fielder up and combined they were 4/4 against him. It could have easily been 7-4 in two batters so just leave it be and get ready for game 5! Go jays!
  12. Someone gets stuck with them every year. Happened to the 92 jays a few times too
  13. No such thing as a curse
  14. Pillar is the second coming of Jim Edmunds
  15. I love how obummer has said that gun free zones and tough gun laws reduce gun crime.... Illinois has some of the toughest gun laws in the U.S. And Chicago is a gun free zone yet the neighbourhood that obummer has done most of his work has the most shooting in the country... Seems to be working
  16. It happens every time a team clinched a division the regulars will play friday
  17. Yanks play other wild card for one game Best record in American League plays wild card winner Two plays three
  18. Can't see it here in Vaughan
  19. They all got into trouble that's why he used so many
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