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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. I don't know how to do the measurement scaling thing but my oldest son (in the green) is 13" across the shoulders and 7" from inside the elbow to the wrist. Any suggestions?
  2. I only ask that you respect the swimming area as it is not roped off.
  3. of course it went back.
  4. thanks guys. wish i had an accurate scale at the time.
  5. Hey guys. Got this pig last Monday from the dock. On a minnow under a float. The boys had to get in on a pic too. Released to catch another day. Had no scale or measurement device.
  6. been gettin a few nice largies out in front of our trailer park in the rice. we're south of grenadier island on the east side. just please respect our swimming area.
  7. Thanks guys. Yeah I don't think I'll have to worry much about boyfriends much. Her brothers will police that for me lol.
  8. Last night at 9: 47 pm my wife gave birth to our fourth child. Samantha May. 8 lbs 1 oz. mom and baby doing great. Should be home tomorrow. Her three brothers couldn't be happier.
  9. Any body know who this is? It is an abstract painting.
  10. Hey guys. I found a pretty good fishing game for the phone. It is called fishing superstars. It's free. There are missions and upgrades and a whole lot of levels and water bodies and different fish. You can add friends to help with missions. Add me as Curt or purenewf. Give it a try.
  11. Thanks guys. I'll pull it out of the water this weekend and have a look. May have to cut the transom down a bit
  12. I catch bass on my coors light can lure all the time
  13. I leave a solar panel with a voltage charger on the boat at all times.
  14. Water pump replaced last year. Pee port free of debris. The transom is an old home made jobie. I wonder if the transom is a bit too high. Where should the a motor air relative to the bottom of the boat?
  15. Hey guys. I got a1975 johnson 9.9. when I get past 3/4 throttle it doesn't throw water out the port on the back of the motor. This water is for cooling right?
  16. Then I tried my luck at bass in the boat just off from the dock. Couldn't out fish him.
  17. It was actually a 2" plastic minnow on a 1/16oz jig under a float.
  18. At the trailer park. Kids were playing at the beach. I decided to try for bluegill off the dock. Got nothing after 15 minutes or so. If course my 5 year old had to come join. I give him the rod. And on his first cast he hooks a nice little largie. He fights it and lands it himself. He loves to lip fish. Good job Alex.
  19. Always nice to get out with the kids. Great job.
  20. That's what I thought. It was round quarter sized. But the fun was half missing too.
  21. Thank you. Very helpful info. This is what new guys like me are looking for. Again, thanks. Curt
  22. You obviously missed the joke there lol.
  23. It's ok guys I'm not discouraged. Next time I'll just lay it horizontal on the casting deck. That should keep them happy. Lol
  24. I like making babies. No desire to stand junk deep in cold water all day. Not to mention I don't have a wooden net. Lol
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