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Everything posted by nancur373

  1. Saw a guy on the bog pulling out an 18 footer with a 94 Tercel.
  2. Thanks B
  3. the starting bid is 75. think i'll just pass. thanks
  4. this is what i used over 3/4 good one side fir.....http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cabelas-Tuff-Coat-Non-Skid-Coating/700772.uts use the proper primer as well.
  5. O.K. I'll say it... THE GLORY HOLE!!!
  6. hey guys. looking at this on an auction site. anyone care to put a value on it? thanks
  7. He uses a spinning set up with a bobber with braid directly to a 1/8 jig and a grub/maggot/minnow/worm etc. This is what all my kids use.
  8. Good job there. Love it when the kids take to outdoor stuff
  9. Great job man. Here's a pic of my youngest boy with his 'Giant' bass he caught yesterday lol.
  10. that brings back memories. that and mackeral off the wharf in august
  11. again got to the trailer and got called back in after about half an hour. not even time for dinner. still here. Damned lightening and rain.
  12. Do you drill all the way through? And what type of bolt would you recommend? Would stainless cause corrosion in contact with aluminium?
  13. I hope my weekend doesn't continue as it started. Got to the trailer a little late this evening. Wolfed down the Mary Brown's, grabbed my 5 year old and musky rod and figured I'd get a couple hours in before dark. Got to our spot and just about to set up a troll and RRRRRRIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!! oh yeah, I'm on call. Minor alarm, no prob, clear it over the phone, can wait a bit. Ten minutes later RRRRRIIIINNNNGGGGGG again. Major alarm this time. Back to the dock, in the car and sitting at work still.
  14. If you look where the two batteries are there is a hatch i built to fold up so we can use the front seat while travelling. I had me and battery in the back. My 240lb uncle on what would be the middle seat and my 180lb brother and fuel can on what would be the front seat. I took the trolling motor off the front and the battery for it out. only had three rods and one tackle box. and safety gear was between the two front seats. Even when I had my brother go right up front on the deck it seemed like the boat was ploughing as in the water was coming out from about 3/4 or more the way to the front of the boat...if that makes sense
  15. Same as every weekend...Pigeon mattp33 if it's lmb you're after, you got some good fishing there in your own back yard.
  16. Awsome!!! couldn't agree more.
  17. yup. biggest perk to putting the trailer on a seasonal lot (other than the kids enjoyment) is being able to fish every day. In the boat, I can take my 5 and 7 year olds and not have to do hardly anything for them which leaves a lot of time for me to actually
  18. this is the woodwork... went from this... to this...
  19. I'll play around with it. I just remembered that the transom isn't 90 degree vertical. It is angled. this will also make a difference to the trim
  20. my 3 year old does as well. it really doesn't take them long to learn. but then again we are fishing every day when we are at the trailer. it's great when they are eating breakfast and you hear "Can we go fishing after breakfast?" guess I'm doing something right. lol
  21. Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I'll check the cav plate height and also play around with the trim. It's sitting at one from all the way down right now. There are four or five holes to choose from. I'll experiment this weekend
  22. I started all my boys out on regular spinning reels. They each got their own rod/reel at 3 years old. I found with a full length rod they could just drop the float and hook in beside the dock without the need to cast. Eventually they figure out the casting. Bucket is a must and we always brought bug nets for minnows and frogs and such. They are now 4,5 and 7 and they do it all form baiting, casting, nice hooksets, retrieving, unhooking, and releasing. It's such a joy to watch. Also, if I were to get up at 5am to go fishing and not wake the 5 and 7 year old, I'd be disowned.
  23. thanks guys will do
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