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Cast Adventures

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Everything posted by Cast Adventures

  1. Ice was gone yesterday afternoon!! Things change fast tho! Good luck!
  2. Heads up! The ice in the lower river yesterday was really bad! the pool......packed!! water looks good tho! nice green. i'd save the gas $ unless something changes today with the conditions....i've fished in icy conditions before, but this is bad!! some spots you'd normaly fish, are iced right over! The ice is not safe! ps: current water temps are 33....... no boats out....too much ice, again...... winds for this weekend look bad too.....that time of year really need erie to lock up! shouldn't be long.....
  3. Call Taro from Fish City Tours - 647-278-5780, Super fun dude, great guide, Really knows how to get those BIG pike around T.O!!! Good Luck,
  4. Congrats on the big fish and your win!!! My customers freaked when they 1st saw that tank of a smallmouth!! LOL....Glad to hear that fish lived and is still in the lake, think about getting that same fish in the late fall omg.........
  5. I have.....an old friend of my landed and released a 9.4 from lake simcoe! no joke, he had a mount made of the fish and pictures to prove it. had the mount of the HUGe smallie in my hands before........crazy fish! He caught it in Late August! I've fished simcoe for years and have never seen anything even close to that size before! I haven't talked with this angler in years.....sorry no pictures from me of this fish..... Trust me, i thought it was Bull too until he showed me the mount with pictures!!!
  6. Rigging tips for the Strike zone slammers that have worked well for me and others in my boat: - Nose hook or weedless setup with the drop shot - spilt shot rig - trailer for a flippin jig ( killer!!)(also try the grand slammer for this app) - jig head or football head - 3 way setup for bottom bouncing or dragging - carolina rig Good luck!
  7. Looks like a blast! nice fish!!!
  8. well looks like after the weekend all the steelhead have gone back to the lake......runs over......can't wait till the fall! good to see you the other day!
  9. Hey everyone! Haven't posted anything for some time now.....As of Monday afternoon the Niagara blew out again, right now its brown and packed full of ice......Lake Erie hasn't locked up with ice yet so every time we get strong SW, W winds conditions turn for the worst. Erie's water temps are 32 and only 20% of the lake has ice.....kind of a wacked year to say the least..If the winds will just stay down for a bit, the ice will have a chance to set up....But we have had some great fishing, last week conditions were prime and the anglers were doing well both from shore and from the boats. Classic winter steelhead persentations are producing fish! The bite can really change from day to day.....even hour to hour! A good mix of darkies and fresh silvers are in the system now, seems to be more brown trout this year in the river. Mostly smaller browns with the odd 8-10 lb fish in the mix.......one report of an 18lb brown from a few weeks ago! I've attached a just few pictures from last thurs-to-Monday morning. Just something to help with the winter blues! Winter steelhead fishing is just starting in the Niagara region with the best part of the season still to come! 2010 has been outstanding, both for fly fishing and gear! Be safe on the ice, good fishing to all! see you on the river, Paul Castellano
  10. LOL......Happy New Year Pigeontroller! Yes i'll second that, Frank is a great guide! Spinnerdoc, all the guides in the Niagara Region are really good! You'll be in good hands with any of the recommended names in this post! Good luck!
  11. 3 way rigs, tubes and the drop shot set up are all good methods of catching bass on the lower river. And yes the Dam is NOT SAFE!!!! boaters have died in this area of the river before! please be careful and have fun good luck!
  12. Fishmaster, I'm talking about the Niagara River! June "is" prime time for walleye on the Niagara River, I don't troll Lake Erie......clearly june walleye where you fish is different. The river rocks, you never have to worry about it being to rough, and you spend 1/8 of the gas
  13. All the recommended charters in this topic are very good! You really can't go wrong with any of them!!! June is prime time for walleye Have fun!
  14. A Fly Fisher's journey from Ontario to the Yukon......Killer fishing! did you see some of that under water footage!!! I really enjoyed it! It will be on again today at 3pm if you missed it. The next time Fly Max is on WFN this Sunday at 6pm......
  15. It's been a long time since my last post.....The Niagara's been rockin since the 3rd week of Jan. Too many pics to post but the HOGS have started to show up on the river! Here's a few from the past few days: A 15lb'er from yesterday, Thing fought like crazy!!! Todays Tank: A Nice Brown from today: Winter blues got you down...... Niagara river's the best cure in the business! See you on the River,
  16. Thank you for the kind words! This trip was back on October 10th. The water was dirty from the high winds the day before. We fished for a half day, tough bite, strong east winds, but great company in the boat The 4.10 was a really nice smallmouth
  17. Those are HOGS! Well done guys!
  18. Looks like the night shifts have paid off for you, Sweet fish!!!
  19. Well done Troutguy! Looks like you guys are having WAY too much fun with the new boat lol
  20. Great report! gotta love the fall bite! keep em coming
  21. Bassfighter, The Smallmouth and Largemouth fishing on the river have been very productive! Bigger smallmouth are showing up again in the river and really starting to put the feed bag on! In this past week we've witnessed largies in school of 15 or more along different weedlines and shore lines. (mostly smaller fish, 1.5-to-2.5lbs) Talking with different local anglers reports of catching smallmouth bass in depths from 10 to 60 feet from lake erie seem to be the norm. good luck
  22. Good to see your back on the water Mark! Nice fish!
  23. Well it's that time of year again! With water temps yesterday morning at 66.5 on the upper we decided to try our luck for steelhead. We ended up hooking some nice little steelhead and landing these ones. In the past three days we've landed steelhead from Navy Island to just above the peace bridge. Steelhead are now spread through out the whole system! Lots of room and fish to go around for both shore and boat anglers! Guys from shore are starting to hit fish around the fort erie area. Floatfishing and casting spoons seems to be working. We landed our 1st steelhead on the lower Roe that we purchased from FISHIN NIAGARA has worked the best for me! Thanks again denis for all your help! If you've never fish the upper niagara for steelhead before, stop by the store and talk to denis! He has all the tackle needed to catch fish and he might even share a few spots to get you started! It's a big river with LOTS of fish to go around! go get em'! see you on the river,
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