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Everything posted by sandybay

  1. Stalker lol
  2. They cleared the lot and put the road in last year then stopped, Nipissing Fire dept. and road Dept. are supposed to get repeaters installed on the tower for better radio comm.
  3. Rogers is putting a new tower up at hwy 534 and Wolfe lake rd. this year. They started it last year and put it on hold. They have told people in Pt Loring to expect service.
  4. Thanks for the great post, to bad no walleye for the day. Hope Abilio's finger is OK, first time I've ever seen I guy feed the hook through the rest of the finger without even blinking. Jeff
  5. OK so we all are going to have to go fish at THRASHER'S hut, here is a photo of his hut so you can find it. Jeff
  6. He used to work for the MNR now he works for the natives.
  7. I can't agree more. It seems like the walleye are playing hide and seek during the winter months these last few years. Jeff
  8. March 15th is the last day you can fish Nipissing, but they give us until the end of March to get our huts off.
  9. Hey Dickie, You forgot to mention the rock bass.
  10. There sure where a lot of small pressure cracks all over at the beginning of January, seems to have quieted down some though. One crack out from the Birchgrove rd access seems to be moving once and a while, seeing lots of brown water at times.
  11. I hope you meant you ate the perch and not the guy. LOL
  12. Seeing alot more blue perch this year. Really are cool to see. Jeff
  13. What's a crap-zu?
  14. That's because we are are civilized up here.
  15. Thanks it was a pleasure having you up for a few days. Jeff
  16. Different laws for different people remember Caledonia. How come I don't see any reg. numbers on the boat.
  17. The navionics is accurate on the location of the shoals but not that on the depth on some. Commanda Island shows it is just shallow not an island. Some rocks that are 2 feet out of the water on the south end of the gull islands show 6 feet of water. etc. Jeff
  18. Thrasher nailed it. Walleye being caught anywhere from 24- 46 fow but only in spurts. Also anything deeper then 30 fow will produce lots of perch so bring some small minnows and have a blast.
  19. Happy B-day. Jeff
  20. What go fast.lol
  21. Had a guy (that I think his parents are brother and sister) from a local towing company tell me today that it is 15 kph.
  22. ?????????????
  23. No I was from my place and headed northwest and back. But from what I have heard and seen hunters bay should have about 8 inches. But don't quote me on that lol
  24. I was out on South Bay of Lake Nipissing yesterday and the pack ice along shore measured 7-9 inches and the black ice measured 6 1/2 inches at 3 different places. Hope this helps and Merry Christmas. Jeff
  25. The Florida Keys. But I was never good with a compass.
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