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About sandybay

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  1. I know South River resort on Nipissing has a 2 person on ice bungalow.
  2. So true Double standard or what
  3. Here is a question that I have heard a few times. Can the MNR change the regulations without a sitting Parliament? What I'm saying are the new limits valid?
  4. I believe they will issue warnings about bad ice but never say " The ice is safe" just not say anything when it is.
  5. Just a reminder but all of zone 11 is closed until the 3rd Saturday in May. http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=fishing%20regulations%20ontario%20zone%2011&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mnr.gov.on.ca%2Fstdprodconsume%2Fgroups%2Flr%2F%40mnr%2F%40letsfish%2Fdocuments%2Fdocument%2Fmnr_e001331.pdf&ei=jtJET8OwOdOG0QGb4J2GBA&usg=AFQjCNFL-HWBgu-lOLbozYuzmPvR5nuRZA
  6. We here at Nipissing are above normal for this time of year, which is about a foot higher the last July,Normals for this time of year are about a foot lower then summer levels and my prediction to what is flowing into Nipissing this spring is we may end up with near flood conditions in about a month from now.
  7. My Thermometer reads 98.6 f most of the time, and the sun does'nt shine there!
  8. Rectal therm's work great the colder the water the tighter the grip!
  9. They say the river spawning walleye is just ended. The walleye that spawn on the shoals and along the shoreline should be done about a week later, ice is off and water levels are climbing fast slightly above normal. Hope this helps anyone, Jeff
  10. Yes everything in Bisco is pricey except the lcbo stuff. Minnows are the best bait up there but also pricey, bring your own trap there are lots of places to trap.
  11. http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.cgi/modis?region=h&page=1&template=sub&image=a1.10343.1828.LakeHuron.143.250m.jpg looks froze over to me.
  12. The satilite images show the lake is froze right across. From my dock all I see is pack ice as far as I can see. We are going to need a good rain to help smooth it out. I will try and get a photo tomorrow. Walked out 100 yards today 5-6".It froze as the wind just kept blowing in more slush. '
  13. When I was a kid my father would sink a poplar tree in the summer out in front of the family cottage on Georgian Bay, it woud hold the leaves all season and all we had to do was as kids was row out about 100' and catch perch all day. Hard to find poplar with leaves in winter though.
  14. I have a 15hp kicker 4 stroke on my boat which allows me to run it from the main fuel tank and not have to carry an extra tank, the only problem is if I run out of fuel it is no help (speaking from experience) I don't want to bash any motor brand, but some of the ones I run (imports) have very expensive parts and some times long back orders. BUY NORTH AMERICAN!
  15. Last time I checked NO but I may be wrong, my wife says I'am wrong all the time. Jeff
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